Escapade. By Rex Warner. (Bodley Head. 10s.) Tots is a piece of exquisitely fine fooling, such as will be enjoyed by everyone who is not incurably serious. The genial and yet......
Mr. Nelson's Ladles. By Showell Styles. (faber. 12s. 6d.)
I FIND historical fiction a peculiarly frustrating form of literature: for, unless one is an expert on the period; one has no means of telling how much is history and how much......
The Cornhill Magazine : Spring, 1953. (john Murray. 2s. 6d.)
THE greater part of this number of the Cornhill is taken up by " The Violins of Saint-Jacques," Patrick Leigh. Fermor's account of the disappearance through a volcanic eruption......
The Poets' Last Hope
Speaking Poetry. By Geoffrey Crump. (Methuen. 12s. 6d.) Now that the publishing of books of verse, other than anthologies, is an uneconomic proposition owing to the high cost of......
A Great Explorer
George Bass : 1771-1803. By Keith Macrae Bowden. (Oxford University Press. 21s.) IN 1795, when George Bass reached Sydney as ship's surgeon in H.M.S. ' Reliance,' the penal......