Prize Crossword
A prize of £3 will be awarded for the first correct solution opened on 14 June. Address solutions: Crossword 1484, The Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London WCIE 6AE.
Across 1 A group of nautical gate-crashers? (8-5) 8 Third man of the furnace (8) 9 Transport proposal to Daisy, at length (6) 12 His cavalier sitter is laughing (4) 13 Nancy's boy, or would he be Nanny's? (5) 14 One way to go south with chick cover (4) 17 Bone quarry bird? (6) 18 Capitally Swiss (7) 20 Buttons the bookworm? (4-3) 22 Getting the fear of the way to end (4, 2) 25 The immortal one is backward in cupidi- nous character (4) 26 Spoil for snobs? (5) 27 And all that music! (4) 30 Love tunes reformed at terminus (6) 31 Goldsmith's conversational likeness, accord- ing to Garrick (4, 4)
32 That revolutionary yarning old donkey (8, 5)
Down 2 How Puss might cope with a surfeit of milk and cross the borders? (7) 3 'Beneath it — the battle shout, And burst the cannon's roar' (0. W. Holmes) (4) 4 Singing rider discloses girl of the north (6) 5 Ah, seaman is a novel captain (4) 6 'When you were a and I was a fish In the Palaeozoic time' (Langdon Smith) (7) 7 In which the well-dressed woman looks rea ly dishy? (7-5) 10 Araucaria; that's Ihe simian problem (6.6) 11 Suits for groups (5) 15 Restrains at the roadside (5)
16 'In twisted braids of lilies knitting The, loose -- of thy amber-dropping hair (Milton) (5)
19 The lordly one of three who swam the Hellespont (5) 21 Doctor's solo in Derby town (7) 23 Nothing, nothing in grand reformation evokes the horseman (7) 24 Like Richard's bow (6) 28 'The other glowing like the vital —, when throned in ocean's wave' (Shelley) (4) 29 Actor in part of the forest (4) Solution and winner on 19 June.