Figures Not Fluff
Duty called me to attend the Editor at a reception last week given by the proprietors of Raymond's Revuebar for the re- launching of Men Only magazine which might from the Look......
Royal Fragging
Richard Crossman was simple enough to be at the receiving end of an editorial fragging* when he printed Paul Johnson's vicious anti- monarchy piece as the New Statesman's leader......
Life, Not Loves
For anyone who has recently been in the offices of any one of our young go-go bosses, Frank Harris's account of Ernest Terah Hooley's method of business circa 1898 will not be......
Skinflint's City Diary
So it looks as if Joe Hyman is going to be able to buy John Crowther and Sons (Milnsbride) against Sir Frank Kearton's bid on behalf of Courtaulds. Sir Frank is still unsure......
Weekly Frolic
Ladies' Day at Epsom received shabby treat- ment from the Sunday papers. Having devoted acres of print to the Derby, the Oaks was dismissed with a couple of lines on unopposed......