5 JUNE 1971, Page 25

The Oxford group

Sir: Mr Peregrine Worsthorne (29 May) in reviewing The Greening of America refers to the Oxford Group and says that Dr Buchman 'was never taken seriously except by cranks.'

As an admirer of Mr Wors- thorne's writings, 1 am greatly sur- prised that he should spoil his re- view by careless remarks of this kind, and I would not like your readers to imagine that he speaks the truth on this occasion. Dr Buchman's work was in fact taken very seriously in his lifetime by leading men throughout the world, including Chancellor Adenauer of Germany, Premier Robert Schu- man of France and President Tru- man of America. It has continued to be taken seriously since his death by men such as Sir Keith Holyoake of New Zealand, Tunku Abdul Rah- man of Malaysia and Rajmohan Gandhi, grandson of the Mahatma, of India and by a great cross-sec- tion of ordinary men and women, too numerous to mention, in every continent.

If these men are cranks. I can only say they are the most sane and balanced cranks I know and they alone give me hope and promise in this confused and divided world. R. J. Martin 91 Brighton Road, Purley, Surrey