Quaker money
Sir: There will be many in near- despair and amazement like your correspondent J. L. Insley (Letters, 8 May) at the revelations concern- ing the Joseph Rowntree Social Service Trust, and not too com- forted by the almost total lack of discussion which this has provoked. Roger Wilson's reply, in the same issue (Are W. B. Morrell's 'weighty managerial responsibilities in the newspaper world' so heavy that he cannot spend sonic time putting into print his views, as Chairman of the Trust, on the disposal of £30,(100 of Trust funds? It would seem neither 'snide' nor 'gossipy' to want to know why and how and to whom) when divested of its socio- logist's jargon and its references to the other activities of the Trust, shows a degree of political un- worldliness of such magnitude that one can only place the most gener- ous construction on his motives.
The Joseph Rowntree Social Ser- vice Trust is, no doubt, in the legal sense, a charity. Its powers are therefore limited and do not in- clude the financing of political or- ganisations, however lightly dis- guised. The Charity Commis- sioners may well wish to reconsider the charity status of this trust.