The French Opposition shrink from attacking the new Minister. Even
GUIZOT is supposed to have no inclination for a conflict in debate with TRIERS; while ODILLON BARROT and SAUZET are at least equal to any of the second-rate orators of the Doctri- naire party. ODILLON BARROT may be almost said to patronize TRIERS; and the French Tories make it a crime in the Minister to receive his support, just as their faction-brothers in England attack Lord MELBOURNE for union with O'CoNNEss. The ques- tion of the Five per Cents. has been postponed, on the assurance of THIERS, that if extraordinary events should not intervene, he will propose a reduction of the interest from five to four and a half per cents next year. If TRIERS could make this arrangement, which amounts to an indefinite postponement of the question, it seems strange that the Due DE BROGLIE should have been foiced, to resign by the difficulties in which it involved him ; and the suspicion arises that the true history of the recent Cabinet changes in France has not been divulged. As to the durability of the present Administration, it is thought an unfavourable symptom, that the conductors of the Journal des Debuts have refused the annual subsidy of 80,000 francs, or 32001., which during the last five years the successive French Adminis- trations have paid for its support.