5 MARCH 1836, page 19

Herbert's Picture Of " Guilt And Innocence " — The First...

that showed his talent in design—has been engraved in mezzotint by EGAN. Two French girls have brought their offerings to the Virgin : one, a simple peasant girl, lays a posy at......

William Carpenter, Well Known As An Indefatigable...

field of political and social improvement, has commenced a cheap weekly paper of a politico-literary kind, called The London Journal; not in rivalry of LEIGH Hu NT . S,—for......

Another Of Bonington's Beautiful Coast Scenes—the One...

Marquis of WESTMINSTER — has been engraved in line, or rather etched, by F. C. LEWIS, with a clear brightness of effect that trans- mits vividly the glowing brilliancy of the......

" Burns And His Highland Mary " Is One Of

the least felicitous of the designs of EDMONSTONE, — an artist lately deceased, of modest pretensions, but of sterling merit, though of a humble order. There is no offence in......

Pictures And Artists.

ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY THE THREE CARACCI. THE Drawings of LEDOVICO, AGOSTINO, and ANNIBALE CARACCI, twenty - five of each of the two first and fifty of the last, form the sixth......

Three Grammars Are On Our Table-

On the character of Professor Ewsen's most elaborate He- brew Grammar, which has passed through three editions, or rather undergone three successive transmutations, gaining in-......

Caurestritxx's "connie Alphabet " Would Make The Dullest...

through his letters; for even if the child could not comprehend the ideas embodied, the images are so ludicrously intelligible, that they cannot fail to strike the fancy. The......

New Prints.

JOHN LEWIS'S clever and characteristic picture of " Highland 'Hospitality" has been engraved in mezzotint, with fidelity and spirit, by GILLER. The subject is agreeable, and it......

John Martin Has Made A Very Clever Mezzotinter Of His

son ALFRED; who has engraved the two last of his father's pictorial imaginings with great !den ty, smoothness, and force. The effect is evidently true to the originals ; for it......