Arrived—At Bristol, March 3d, Elizabeth, Cuncly, from Mauritius.
Sailed—From Gravesend, Feb. 27th, Princess Victoria, Marshall, for China ; and Glory. Gaynor, for the Cape; 28th, Windsor. Taylor, for Madras ; and Alexander 11ULachlan, for Van Dieman's Land. From Bristol. 27th, Orestes, Shettler, for Ma- dras. From Liverpool, 29th. Otterspool. Richardson, for Calcutta; and Majestic, Lawson. for Bombay ; March 3d, Warwick, Brewer, for Madras ; and Hortensia, %Reed, for the Cape. The continued indulgence of various Correspondents is entreated. It is no easy matter, in these times, to adjust the numerous claims upon our columns ; we seldom. accomplish all that we wish to crowd into one week's work anti one large sheet of paper.