The quarterly sale of tea, at the East India House,
com- menced on Tuesday, and closed yesterday afternoon. The quan- tity offered for sale was 4,000,000 lbs. ; consisting of the following variety,-600,000 lbs. of Bohea, 2,700,000 lbs. of Congou, Campoi, and Pekoe, 600,000 lbs. of Twankay and Hyson Skin, and 100,000 lbs. of Hyson ; all of which, with the exception of about 6.000 chests of low Congou, (which were not considered worth the taxed price,) were readily bought by the trade, and mostly at a considerable advance on the prices of last December. Bo- hcas, in anticipation of the equalization of the duties, have realized an advance in price of Id. per lb. The low descriptions of Congou, by which the importers have lately sustained a very serious loss, have advanced about 2d. per lb. Fine qualities of Congou have advanced fully 5d. per lb., and are now dearer than they were in March 1835. Pekoes are 4d. per lb. dearer. Twankays and Hysons have not varied much. There can be little doubt but the present rise in the prices is entirely the effect of speculation on the part of some of the monied importers, with an idea of bolstering up the market to enable them to get rid of the large stocks of last season's teas, which still remain unsold. The new crop, which will begin to arrive about the end of this month, will have the effect of again causing prices to recede, as the increasing consumption does not keep pace with the importations.