The Pictorial Bible is an interpreter and graphic illustrator of
the Scriptures in all that relates to the history, natural produc- tions, and climate of Eastern countries, and the habits, customs, manners, dress, and peculiarities of the people mentioned in the text. It expressly avoids theological discussion ; its aim being to explain objects, and thus to be. acceptable to all. The text, which is that of the standard edition known as Dr. BLANEY'S, is printed in a bold, clear type; with the marginal readings of MAST D'OYLEY'S edition at the foot of each page ; the illustrative notes peculiar to this edition being placed at the end of every chapter. *The embellishments are very numerous; and consist of designs -selected from the works of the great painters, views of scenery and -antiquities, and representations of animals, plants, and costumes. They are engraved on wood, w ith accuracy, force, and spirit, and .are introduced in their proper places in the text—thus making the Bible attractive as a picture-book. Though not avowedly prcduced 'under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, this work issues from their publisher, and is the -work of the able band of compilers engaged on the Penny Maga- zine and Cyclopedia.