The Queen of Portugal has had some di , agreement with her
Ministers, who are also unpopular with the Cortes and incapable in the Council ; so their speedy downfal is anticipated. CAM- POs, the Finance Minister, has met with little success in his at- tempts to procure the necessary supplies of money for carrying on the Government; and the talents of SILVA CARVALHO will pro- bably again be put in requisition. The Queen is much vexed by the refusal of the Deputies to sanction a promise she had made to her husband that he should be Commander-in-Chief. Senhor B AR- JONA, supposed to be a stanch Ministerialist, has moved a reso- lution that no such office as Commander-in-Chief should be allowed to exist in time of peace ; and it is feared that the Chamber will agree to the motion, although it is known that the Queen has written to her husband assuring him that his appointment is fixed and certain.