5 MARCH 1864, Page 2

The Austrian Government is already experiencing one of the evils

of war. The accumulation of combustible materials all over Europe has so encouraged the Poles, that the Secret Government

has extended its operations to Galicia. Already, according to the Austrian o'licials, taxes are levied in its name, police orders re- sisted, and individuals denounced, and the. Government, therefore, on 29th February, placed the province in a state of siege. The "inviolability of the domicile" is suspended, all arms and ammu- nition must be delivered to the authorities, and all strangers must report to the police. It is imagined that the Emperor contemplates a similar decree in Venetia, for the army there has been increased to 180,000 men, and stories about a coming invasion of Italy have been formally denied. Herr von Schmerling's budget next year will not be a pleasant one to men interested in Austrian securities.