Of Surgeons, The Accomplished Author Has Set Himself To...
the principles that rest is the most important therapeutic agent in the cure of accidents and surgical diseases, and that every pain has its distinct and pregnant signification.......
Adam Smith's Wealth Of Nations. By J. R. M'culloch. New
Edition. (Adam and Charles Black.)—There had been no new edition of this valuable edition of Adam Smith's great work since 1838, and it ' cannot, therefore,, be said that this......
The Jew. A Poem. By Frederick Corny. (bell And Daldy.)—our
old friend the Wandering Jew, after the Crucifixion, is carried off to Hell, where he hears the report to Satan by his emissary of that event, Satan's triumphant speech......
The Gospel In Ezekiel. By Thomas Guthrie, D.d. Fortieth...
(Adam and Charles Black.)—The leading idea of these sermons—that the thirty-sixth chapter of Ezekiel, verses 16 to 37, present an epitome or outline of the Gospel—is certainly a......
What Is Your Name? By Sophy Moody. (richard...
is unfortunate in appearing just after Miss Yonge's "History of Christian Names ;" but the very interesting and curious subject with which it deals is very inadequately handled.......
Plutology; Or, The Theory Of The Efforts To Satisfy Human
Wants. W. E. Hearn, LL.D., Professor of History and Political Economy in the University of Melbourne. 1864. (Macmillan and Co.)—It is interesting to notice the contributions......
Excellent Translation Of A Book Valuable To All Students Of
philology. The Romance tongues are all mainly derived from the popular Latin, which existed side by side with the classical language. The other principal elements are German and......
The Drain Of Silver To The East, And The Currency
of India. By W. Nassau Lees, LL.D. (W. H. Allen and Co.)—The theory of the writer is that the immense amount of silver which yearly flows to the East is absorbed in currency.......