The Danish Rigsdag on 27th February presented an almost unanimous
address to their King. In this document, after recount- ing the violent proceedings of the two German Powers, the Danish Parliament proceeds thus :—" In this solemn hour we must seek consolation in the fact that the cause of the people is the cause of the King, that your Majesty will faithfully protect our freedom and independence, and will never permit that in future guardian- ship should be extended across the frontiers of Denmark, or the connection between the kingdom and Schleswig be weakened upon any pretext of right." If that means that the Rigsdag will not repeal the common Constitution, the Danes are in the wrong. They must keep the late King's contracts, even though they be to their own hurt. It is only when they have done so that they are entitled to call on Europe to save them from violent wrong. The notion that no concession will satisfy Germany short of dismem- berment is as deeply rooted in the minds of the Danes as in that of Sir A. Buchanan.