5 MAY 1855, Page 9


The Government have anticipated, at least in part, Sir Erskine Perry's wishes with regard to the Indian Army. The Gazette of Tuesday con- tained the following notification.

" War Wee, May 1.—In order to remove any doubt which may exist as to the rank and precedence of the officers of the Honourable East India Company's service, it is her Majesty's pleasure that officers of the Honour- able East India Company's service, whose commissions shall be signed by authorities duly deputed to do so by her Majesty, shall have rank and pre- cedence with officers of her Majesty's regular army, according to the dates of their commissions, in all parts of her Majesty's dominions or elsewhere."

During the stay of the French Emperor in this country, a large num- ber of clergymen and others, including the Archbishop of Canterbury, and representatives of most of the religious denominations, presented a memorial to him, asking him to unite with the Queen in urging upon the Turkish Government the establishment of "real religious freedom in Turkey," and in obtaining from the Sultan the removal of the cruel impediments to the extension of the Christian religion. They desire that it may be no longer a capital offence for a Mussulman to profess Christianity. Through Count Walewski, the Emperor expressed him- self highly gratified with the sentiments conveyed to him.

Some time since, Lord Forth retired from service in the Crimea, and it was more than whispered that cowardice was the cause. His father, the Earl of Perth, has refuted the imputation. It appears that Lord Forth carried the colours of the Forty-second at the battle of Alma, to the satisfaction of Colonel Cameron ; and that he regularly did his duty in the trenches before Sebastopol. But growing unwell, Lord Forth requested leave to sell out as soon as Sebastopol should be taken ; and he continued to serve in the trenches. One day, after twenty-four hours on duty, he was called to go with a covering party ; but, arriving too late, be declared his intention of dining before he joined the men at the halt. The Colonel told him to go at once; but the young man stubbornly re- fused, until the Colonel told him that if he did not go he should attribute it to "fear." Thereupon, he joined the covering party, but sent in his resignation next morning.

In a letter to the Times, Mr. Ingram Travers explains the circumstances of the suspicious case pointed out last week by the Commercial Daily List as indicating that Mr. Travers and Mr. Moffatt, who had effected large clearances of tea just before the imposition of the new duty, must have had a friendly intimation from Government. Mr. Travers shows that his action was entirely the result of a keen calculation on his own part. From the guarded terms of the Chancellor of the Exchequer in announ- cing the loan, and other circumstances, Mr. Travers anticipated a larger deficiency than the loan would cover ; he foresaw the imposition of taxes; reckoned that sugar and tea would not escape ; computed that the interest on the amount paid beforehand for duty on 100,000 pounds would not have exceeded 14/. 78. 8d., while his loss if the duty on that amount were raised to 64. per pound would be 25001.; and he hedged against the probability. He mentioned his views to Mr. Moffatt, who insured in the same way to still larger extent.

One of the lights of the Country Party has gone out. The Right Hon- ourable J. C. Berries, at the ripe age of seventy-seven, died suddenly last week, from heart disease. Mr. !ferries was private Secretary to Mr. Perceval when he was in power ; Secretary to the Treasury from 1823 to 1827; Chancellor of the Exchequer from September 1827 to January 1828; Master of the Mint from 1828 to 1830. For a few months in 1830 he was President of the Board of Trade; he was Secretary at War in 1835; and President of the Board of Control in the Derby Cabinet. He represented Harwich for eighteen years; his last seat was for Stam- ford.

The Morning Herald prominently announced last week that Lord Pan- inure was about to resign, on account of ill health. The statement was at least premature. Lord Panmure's health is much improved : on Saturday he was present at the Cabinet Council; and he has returned to his office and to his place in Parliament.

Lord Palmerston now gives a banquet every Saturday, his leisure day ; which Lady Palmerston follows up with an assembly. The Emperor of the French has appointed Count Walewski a Senator of France. Sir Henry Ward, the new Governor of Ceylon, arrived at Alexandria from Corfu, en route to his post, on the 16th of last month.

A few weeks since, Dr. Vidal, Bishop of Sierra Leone, died ; and the Go- vernment offered the see to the Reverend T. W. Weeks, incumbent of St. Thomas's Church, Lambeth. He intimated his willingness to aceept the ap- pointment upon one condition, —namely, that his letters patent should not con- fer upon him any right or claim to be called "My Lord," as is the Cale with all the other Colonial Bishops. This somewhat singular request has been

complied with by the Government, and the new Bishop's designation will be, not 'My Lord," or "My Lord Bishop," but "Right Reverend Sir." The death of two Admirals is added to the obituary this week : Rear-Ad- miral Lowry Corry, who went out to the Baltic last year for a short time; and Admiral Lloyd.

A report has been circulated in some of the journals that Sir Charles Wood broke his leg on Sunday by a fall from his horse : the same papers chronicle his speeches in Parliament on Monday,—showing what a trifle a broken leg must be to some men !

Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte met with a serious accident on Saturday, at his residence in Westbournc Grove West: in mounting some library steps for a book, he slipped, fell, and fractured his leg.

The King of Portugal and his brothers have been suffering from measlea, in a mild form : the disease is very prevalent at Lisbon.

The only 80D of Andreas Hofer, the Tyrolese patriot ahot by the French, died recently at Vienna, where he carried on a tobacco business.

The Bishop of Jerusalem arrived at Alexandria on the 20th ultimo, to con- secrate the new English church there : he would hold a confirmation during his stay.

The Bishop of Gibraltar has left Malta by the City of London transport for Balaklava' for the purpose of consecrating the ground in which so many of our brave troops lie interred. lie will also consecrate the ground at Constan- tinople on his return.

The Duke and Duchess of Brabant have had an unprecedented favour granted to them at Jerusalem—they have been allowed to visit the gorgeous Mosque of Omar, from which, heretofore, Christians have been excluded. Many Christians took the opportunity of entering the edifice, built on the site of the Temple.

Fifty-five young Abyssinians and Negroes, selected by Austrian priests, have left Egypt for Italy, w here they are to be educated as Roman Catholic misaionaries.

The usual fights between Latin and Greek Christians took place at Jeru- salem on Easter Sunday. The unbelieving Turks had to appoint guards to keep order in the Holy Sepulchre.

On the night of the 19th April, Herr R. Luther, of the Observatory of Bilk, near Dusseldorf, discovered a new planet of the eleventh magnitude, de- scribing its orbit between Mars and Jupiter. This is the forty-third planet of our solar system.

The Post-office authorities have made a grant of 2001. to Mr. Brownless, a clerk in the Liverpool office, for his invention of a floating receiving-house, to admit of letters for America being posted up to the last moment of the sailing of the packet ; and 500/. has been given to an official for inventing improvements in the apparatus for dropping and taking up letter-bags with- out stopping railway-trains.

In the London corn-market on Monday last, there was an increase of bs. to 6s. in the price of wheat compared with that of the preceding Monday.

There is a complete mania for corn-speculations in Hamburg; the mer- chants are sending telegraphic messages to buy up corn in the Danish and Baltic ports : in a short time the price has risen 10s. a quarter.

There is a scarcity of wheat and other grain in the Western States of America—a very unusual occurrence in those regions.

An inflammatory disease is sweeping off cattle and horses in the Eastern districts of the Cape colony.

At the last advice, the Patriotic Fund subscription at the Cape amounted to 3000/., and it was expected to reach 5000/.

The House of Representatives of the Illinois Legislature has enacted that a fine of 500 dollars be hereafter imposed on any lady who shall lecture in public in any part of the State without first putting on gentleman's apparel.

The New York Legislature have passed a resolution emendatory of the constitution of.the State, in favour of permitting Negroes to vote at elec- tions.

The Honourable H. A. Moreton, Fourth Lieutenant of the Cressy, 90 guns, has been tried at Kiel by court-martial, for being intoxicated on duty while the ship was at sea. The charge was fully made out, and he was sentenced to be dismissed the service.

Mademoiselle Doudet, convicted of cruelty to Dr. Marsden's children, ap- pealed to the Paris Court of Correctional Appeal : that court sustained the judgment of the lower one, but increased the punishment from two to five years' imprisonment. The persevering culprit then appealed to the Court of Cessation.

An invention by Mr. Wickens for establishing a communication between the driver and guard of a railway-train has been tried on the South-Western 'Windsor line, with success. It consists of two boxes, connected by tin tubes: by pressing handles on the boxes a whistle is produced, and the sound is carried from the guard to the driver or vice versa; the number of distinct whistles denotes the particular information or warning to be conveyed.

There have been fearful inundations in Hungary and the Banat. The river Theiss and its tributaries have inundated about 1200 English square miles of land, of which 800,000 acres were sown with corn.

CRYSTAL FALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Vriday May 4th, including season-ticket-holders, 22,069.