Ittttro To Hit Eater.
BRIGADE OF GENTLEMEN CADETS. Florence, 2711s April 1855. Sra—The proposition for embodying as an armed military force men be- longing to the very dregs of the population—namely,......
The Earl Of D'undonald, Mr. Brunel, And The War Office.
SIR—I have been waiting some time for a reply to my last letter in re- ference to the Railway Inroad on the War Office, but they who should answer are dumb. Since then we have......
Peace Or War.
24th April 1855. , Brit—The space which you allotted in your last number to the letter, of "E. A. F." on the subject of "Pence or War," and the ability with which it is written,......
The Works Of "anon."
THE course of the Newspaper debate on Monday gave the Com- mons a hard knock against the rook of anonymous writing, which some Members spoke of as a grievance, and more than one......