There has been in circulation this week a vague rumour
of a peasant insurrection in the Ukraine.
"Private letters from St. Petersburg," says the Daily lifews, "confirm the telegraphic announcement of the insurrection of the peasants in the Uk- raine, and state further, that it has already extended to the governments of Poltawa, Tchernigoff, and Kharkoff. The namesof twenty landed proprietors whom the maddened moujiks have destroyed, together with their wives and children' have reached St. Petersburg. IL Poletien, one of the richest pro- prietorsin the government of Tchernigofl; was burnt alive in his country- house at Beletz. The same severe pressure caused by the war, which has driven the peasants of Little Russia to insurrection, is stated to be felt at St. Petersburg, where every article of consumption is at famine price."