Quarto mar 311usir.
The tendency to migrate is still strong among members of the histrionic profession. Mr. Benjamin Webster and Madame Celeste appeared on Monday at Sadler's Wells, which is now under the rule of a young Mr. Webster. Mr. Phelps is "starring" at the Surrey. However, these mi- grations do not amount to revolutions. The Adelphi Theatre is still open under the direction of Madame Celeste, notwithstanding her trip to Pen- tonville ; while Sadlees Wells is "closed for the summer" quoad Mr. Phelps, though open for visitors. At the Olympic, a trifling little piece, named The Welsh Girl, has been revived, that a young lady named Fanny Ternan may sing a song or two, give delicate utterance to the Cambrian patois, and look pretty in that hat, which, considered exclusively masculine elsewhere' is deemed feminine also among the descendants of the ancient Britons. She passes creditably through the triple ordeal. More remarkable, however, is Mr. Emery's performance of the choleric Welsh gentleman, who is equally ready to fall in love or into a passion, and is aided in the latter tendency by sundry twitches of the gout. The part itself is commonplace, but by the fulness of his detail Mr. Emery has made it the main feature of the piece.