5 MAY 1855, Page 19


Tuesday, May 1.

PARTNERSEIES DissoLvED.-13,Awson and Co. Moorgate Street, merchants ; as far as regards W. Norton-Rawson and Co. Liverpool, merchants ; as far as regards W.

Norton-J. and A. Buckingham, Leamington Priors, inn-keepers-Machin and Hindes, Mansfield, kitchen-range-manufacturers-Fynney and Campbell, Liverpool, corn-brokers-Walker and Co. Sheffield, hide-brokers-Hill and Leonard, Hartle-

pool, drapers-Cox and. Fountain. Derby, wine-merchants--J. and E. &urge, Bir- mingham, chemists-Turner and .Wells, Birmingham, brass-eandlestiok-manufac- turers- Borden and Co. Manchester, general a...ems-Daniels and Thompson, Jer-

myn Street, tailors-R. and J. Wolstenholme, Leeds boiler-makers-Williaros and Sutcliffe, Manchester, comntission-agents -Sinks end Hall, Brunswick, Hartlepool, brewers-Adamson and Bell; Sunderland, ceiniers-Liversedge Iron Company ; as

far as- regards G. W. Wilson-Murray and Stanesby, Sloane 'Street, stationer.- Freeman and Sou, Fenchurch Buildings, wine-merchants -Terry and Son, Dudley, grocers-Rose and Co. Willenhall, Staffordshire, coal-nunmers-Womack and Co. Agbrigg, Wakefield, ship-carpenters-Walker and Manners, Burton-upon-Trent, mercere - Ashley and Watts, Old Jewry, solicitors. BANKRurTs.-WILLIAM WHALEY, Charles Street, Camberwell New Road, builder, to sort-curer May 14, June 18: solicitors, Lewes, Temple; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury-Wintiom Kerma, Cumberland Market, victualler, May 14, June 12: solicitor, Robinson, Ironmonger Line; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Cerurt - GEORGE F.DWARD Nast.. Peinbury, Kent, inn-keeper, May 10, June 15: Church and Langdale, Southampton Buildings; Grove, Tunbridge Wells official assignee, Cannan. Aldermanbury -Joan KENNEDY, Aldersgate Street, print- er, al ay 11, June 16: solicitors, Willoughby and Co. Clifford's inn; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- Josnra SALT, Longton, Staffordshire, timber-mer- chant, May 14, June 4 : solicitor, Hodgson Birmingham; official assignee, Bittie- ston, Birmingham-Erman], Warman, Dudley, Worceetersbire. hosier, May 12,

June 8: solicitor,Smith, Birmiugham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-

Foam-mm Mormons, Bakal Heath, Worcestershire, victualler, May 12, June 8: soli- citors, Powell and Son Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham - GEORGE Isoac WARD. Leicester, fishmonger, May 22, June 12: solicitors, tdotteram and Knight, Birmingham; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham-Gs:own HICHUU114, Alter, Langport, Sumersetshire, inn-keeper, May 10, June 14: solicitors, Slakes,

Isingport; Allen, Burnham ; Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee. Hirtzel, Exeter-

FRF.DERICK WILLIAM klOLMES, Leeds, wine-merchant, May 11, June 15 : solicitors, Caries and Cudworth, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds-- WILLIAM JENEINEON,

Sheffield, paper-manufacturer, May 12, June 231 solicitors, Smith and Son, Shef-

field; official assignee, Brewin, Sheffield-figment. MARANT, liVhalley, Lancashire, cotton-spinner, May 15, June 12: solicitor, Woodcock, Bury; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-Josue Holmes, Lancaster, builder-, May 14, June 6: solicitors, Blackburn, Leeds; Robinson, -Lancaster ; Claye and Co. Manchester ; official assig- nee, l'ott, Manchester.

Diviworos.-May 23, May, Ipswich, liner-draper-May 22, Chapman, Mansell Street, wine- merchantalay 22, Turner, Hedge Row, islington High Street, draper

4-Hay 22, Mortimer, Lee, builder - ?rimy 22, Harrison, Clyde Terrace, Caledonian

Road, baker-May 22, Fochin, Leicester, jeweller-May23, Round, Tipton, limber- merchant-May 22, Bates, Leicester, lambs-wool-spinner-May 28, J. A. and J.

Howard, liellingwood, Lancashire, joiners-May 23, Whally. Stockport, cotton- spinner-Slay 22„ Worrell, Manchester, manufacturer-May 24, Mennen. Manches- ter, tobacconist-May 30, Balkwill, Exeter, boot-maker-May 30, Eleton, Crediton, boot- maker- May 24, Miners, Redruth, Cornwall, grocer- May 23, Reeves. Taunton,

scrivener-May 30, Evans, Exeter, bookseller-1day 30, Greenslade, Oakford, Devon- ahire, fatinerIday 23, Beringer, Penzance, silversmith-May 29, Hutchiugs, Ax- mtneter, Duriery-man-May 24, B. and W. Bray, Oliehatamton, nurrery-gardeners- Id ay 80i Crocker, Weymouth, tallow-chandler--May 24. Turner. Crewkerne, currier -May 30, J. and E. Edwards, Truro, jewellers-May 24, Clench, Exeter, timber- dealer-May 24, Ehevler, Abergavenny, grocer-May 24, Crosthwalte, Liverpool, merchant-May 23, •Tregenza, Stockton-onsTees, shoe-dealer--May 23, Dixon, Gateshead, -draper. CERTIFICATES.- II/ be granted. unless Catllt be shown CO the contrary, on the day of 1 wiecting.-May 22,41E41, Coke 'Teener, Runsbury Road, wine-merchant-May 24, Spicer Bognor Mills, Newbury. paper-maker-May 22, Brown, Sloane Street, up- holsterer-May 22, Ricketts, Charles Place, Drummond Street, Euston Square, coach-builder-May 23, Gillard sen. Catherine Sttect, Strand, dealer in oils-May 23, Elkingten. 11511 Street. City Road, electro-plate-manufacturer -May 22, S. and C. King, Cowley, Oxfordshire, builders-May 23. Keen, Hillingdon, brick-maker-- May 23, Markham, Godtuanchester, currier-Mae 23, Callen, Long Acre. coach- maker-May 22, Jacobs, Steward Street, Spitalfieltis, warehouseman-May 25, Mor- gan and Lewis, Ystalyfera Graig, Glamorgarrehire, drapers-May 24, Francis, Bridgewater, plumber-May 24, Balkwill, Exeter, boot-maker-May 21, Crocker, Weymouth, tallow-chandler-May 24. &comp and Co. Burnley, cotton-manufac- turers-May 23, Wadsworth, Macclesfield, silk-dealer-May 23, Ireland, Newton Heath, Lancashire, dyer-May 17, Russell, .Leamingtcm Priors, printer-May 24, Carrington, Birmingham, grocer. DemirstAvioxii OF Divuseruss.--Baker, Edgeware Road, linen-draper; fiat dirt. of 2s. lid. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Clark, West Strand, lamp.merehant; first div. of Is. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Wilkinson, Wilton Road, Pimlico, coat-merchant; second div, of 8d. and 2s. 2d. on new proofs, Wed- nesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays; Edwards, Sambruok Court-War- burst, Manchester, timber-merchant; first flits of 58. 111d. May 15, or any subse- quent Tuesday ; Fraser, Manchester.

SCOTCH SIQUESTRATIONS.-Douglas and Baird, Edinburgh, wine-merchants, May 10 -81•Itae jun. Dingwall, draper, May 12-Baird, Glasgow, grocer, May 10-Dun- can, Greenock, druggist, May 14,

Friday, May 4, PAarseaseirs DISSOLVED.-IIalls and Smith, Bath Street, Camberwell New Road, brewers- A. and E. Dotting, Tunbridge Wells, grocers-W. and .1. P. Cowley, Li- verpool, timber-merchants-Hollings and Chesterman, 'Cowell Road, gas-fitters - Mourilyan and Between, Gray's Inn, attornies-Parr and O'Mara, Salford, packing- case-makers-Lumb and Co, Wakefield, attornies ; as far as regards W. Stewart- C. and A. Reeks, Christchurch, Bente, millers-Walker and Matteson, Hudders- field. cloth-manufacturers- Tew and Webster, Totbill Street, boot-makers-Morris and Whittaker, Manchester, auctioneers-Cbeetharn and Co. Tarton, Lancashire, eotton-spinners-Ardill and Pickard, Leeds,. flax-machine-maker- Bentley and Pickford, Selby, lime-merchants -Stamburn and Baugh, Gresham Street, hat- tersEvans and James. Aberystwith, tailors-Watson and Ormson, Ealing, market-gardeners-Cummins and Co. Liverpool, ship-brokers -Sugden and Bran- ham. Leeds,. machine-wool-comb-makers-Hamilton and Leviston. Liverpool. cement-merchanta-11 tiler and Co. Manchester, silk-manufacturers-Harrison and Atkinson, Leeds, druggists-- Hamilton and Co. Paternoster Row, booksellers- Wilson and Co. Liverpool, mercliaots-Shepherd and Champion, Ockley. Surrey, feltmongers‘-Collins and Hale. Manchester, stationers-Campbell and Witty, Es- sex Street, Strand, ,attornies - Beltratel and Co. Cullum Street. Fenehurch Street, merChante-Seedley Printing Company, Manchester, calico-printers ; as far as re- gards .1. Coates-Itiding arid Campbell, Ormskirk, joiners-Dover and Co. Cross- thwaite, Cumberland-Muriel& Brothers. Bradford, Yorkshire, top-manufacturers ; BR Ear as regards H. Mirfield-'1'. and R.. Rayner, Birital, Yorkshire. surgeons - Harrison And Co. Liverpool, tea-dealers--l'ov an. I Haigh, Huddersfield, woollen- scribblers-Lawrence and Co. Liverpool, and Sillar and Co. Bombay, merchants:* -as far as regards W. C. Sillar-Tapsell and Baker Brighton, dealers in lace-Munn and Co. King's Lynn, paper-manufacturers-Norkh and Phillips, Oxford, drapers. BANNaurrce ANNuELED.--WLELEtx IlotrosnAv and JAKES CLesritsox, Watling Street, warehousemen. BILKHR171.111.-.7.kuzs VERETT, Leicester Street, Regent Street, boot-maker, to sur- render. May 11, June 15: solicitor; Story, Great James Street; official assignee, Cannan. Aldermanbury-CATHERINE Mims, Lymington, tailor, May 19, June 11: solicitors, Thompson, Grays Inn ;Iirewn, Lymington ; official assianee, Whitmore, Basinghallikreet-WItuAs HARDING, Great Saffron Hill, baker, May 18. June 15 : solicitor, Padmore, Beaumont Street, Marylebone; official assignee, Canaan, Alder- manhury-GzoRoe EDWARD NEAL, Pembury, Kent, inn-keeper, May 10, June 15: solicitors, Church and Langdale, Southampton Buildings ; Cripps, Tunbridge Wells; official assignee. Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Jonsr.FLATr, Sarmundhaus Suffolk. draper, May 15, June 12: solicitors, Pownall and Co. Staple Inn ; Southwell SaXmundham ; official assignee, Johnson, Basingliall Street-HANSARD JAcesox Baurozs, Vauxhall Brewery, Wandsworth Road; brewer, May 15, June 13: soli- citors, Trinder and %.re, John Street, Bedford Ronr, ; Archer, Stowmarket ; offi- cial assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-GEORGE FREDERICK LIELICRAP, Bishopsgate Street Without, grocer, May 11, June 23 : solicitors, Howard and Dollman, Fenchurch Street; official assignee, Nicholson. Basinghall Street- SAMUEL HODGSON, Great Marylebone Street, stationer, May 14, June 18: solicitor, Leigh, George Street, Mansionhouse ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court- HENRY OPPENURIS: Ramsgate. ship-chandler, May 15, June 18: solicitors. Bu- chanan, Guildhall Chambers ; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury-WILLIAM Boa, Bishopsgate 'Street Without, stationer, May 14, June 19: solicitors, Linklaters, Sin Lane ; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanburylizsray Roninsoz, Brewoud, Staf- fordshire, maltster, May 19, June 8: solicitors, Turner, Wolverhampton ; Motte- ram and Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Binning,ham-11EXItY BARBEE, Kidderminster, victualler, May l, 'Autrie 11: solicitors, Motteram and

Knight. Birmingham; official assignee, Birmingham-EDMOND STEVENS, -Walsall, draper, May 19, June 8: solicitors, Bell, Manchester; Moller= and Knight,

; official assignee. Christie. Birmingham-Turmas SIES:MINGS, Chadwell Court Mill. Staffordshire. miller, May 10, June a: solicitors, Turner, Wolverhamp- ton; .Motteram and Knight, Birmingham; official assignee. Christie, Birmingham- Saunas LOWE, Derby, silk-manufactuirer, May 15, June 12: eolicitors, Crowder and Co. Coleman Street ; Freetb and Co. Nottingham: official assignee, Harris, Notting- ham-.-111entan MORGAN, Dowlais; Glarnorganaldre; ,grocer, May 15, June IN: soli-, alters, Bevan and Girling, Bristol; official assignee,. Acraman. Bristol-Jona Bea- ,TONIthd ROBEEX EDIT:AEU Rzia,Southliamict, Gloucestershire. barge-builders, May 15, June 18: solicitors, Smallridge, Gloucester; official assignee, Miller; Bristol-Joss BleitAitn, Boacastle, Cornwall, draper, Slay 14. June 21s solicitors, Bevan and Gir- ling, Bristol ; fitogelon, Exeter; official assignee. hlirtzel. Exeter-H emte Rawest; Desk, Boseastle, Cornwall, grocer, May 14, 'June 21: solicitors, Henderson and Co. Bristol; Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirteel, Exeter-Jong Homors,. Black- burn. currier, May 17, June 7,: solicitor,,Tyrer, Liverpool ; officiarassigRee,


man, -Manchester-Jensen BesA, Little Belton; Lancashire, cotton-spinner, May 17, June 8: solicitors, Rushton and Armistead, 13olton-lerMoors; official assignee, Bernanian, Manchester. . .

DIVIDENDS.- May 28, Wethered, Churton Street, Pimlico, linen-draper-May 28, Thompson jun.. Terrace, lieusiugton, draper Ma2.5, Davis, Bristol, music-seller- May 25, Beswick, Halfincron Street, Piccadilly, victualler--May 25, Hillman, Wor- thing, wine-merchant- May 29, Griffis, Woodford Sridge. underwriter-May 28,

ForsbaW, Liverpool, machine-maker,-May 1G, Openshaw, Lancashire, iron- monger- May 25, -Martin, Newcaatle-Opori-Tyne, joiner,-May 25, Dodd, Hetton-le- Role, Durham, grocer-May 25, J. and J. Wood, Bradford, Yorkshire, spinners - May 26, Kay, Sheffield, cut-nall-ruanufaaturee,-Alay 26, Bailee. Sheffield, victualler. CzwrirreArres. Ti' be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of rneetiny.-may 25, Geyelin, Victoria Wharf, Regent's Perk Basin, white.rinc-paint- manufacturer - May 26, Close, Stratford; baker--May 25, Oakley, Poole, corm-mer- chant-May.26, Currie, MoorgateStreet, rnerchant-:-May.26, Burnell, Houndsditeh, baker-;--May 25, Martin, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, joIne.rblay 25, Jackson and Hey- wood, otherwise T..Jackson, Droyleden. Lancashire, skein-printers- May 25, Burn- blum, Manchester, cotrunission-agent--June 7; Letvesley, Coventry, silk-dyer-May 25, Nicholson, Leeds, -machine-maker-May 25, Lambert, ,Halifax, tirnber-dealer- May 28; Jennings, Bradford, Yorkshire,' linen-draper7May 25, Elvin, High Street, Islington, upholsterer. . DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Sulith, Stardom, Herts,. ; div. Of 2s. lid. on account of first div. of 5s. 6d. any Monday; Canaan, Aldermanbury-White, Mark Lane, merchant; first die. of Si. Thursday, and three tenon ing Thursdays; Stens- feld, Basinghall Street--Essenger, Old Change, straw-hat-manufacturer ir first die. of Ss. 44. Thursday, and two subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street- Cattell, Long Acre, roach-maker; first div. of 2s. bd. Thursday, and two following Thursdays ;. Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Hardwick, Regent Street, dealer in ribands ; final die, of lid. Thursday, anti two su.bsequint Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street--Harvey senior; and Pike. Birmingham, grocers; first div. of 84. any Friday; Whitmore, Birmingham-Jones, Liverpool, boat-builder; first div. of Is. 134. any Monday; Bird, Liverpool-Sagar, Birkenhead, brewer; first div. of Si. any Wednesday ; Turner Liverpool-White, Sunderland, merchant ; second and final div. of 1-5thd. (in addition to lid. previously declared) any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Scares Szmuzaraamoss.-Nicol, Linlithgow, merchant, May 18-ream, Glasgow, steam-packet-agent, May 14-Wylie, Glasgow, commission-merchant, May 14- Campbell and Co. Glasgow, machine-makers, May 16.