The improvement in the condition of the Emperor Frederick has
not continued. The Empress Victoria has left him, to visit the sufferers by the floods on the Elbe ; but Sir Morell Mackenzie, who was to have returned to England for a week, has decided to remain. The fever, which wastes the Emperor's strength, is only kept down by drags, and it is stated, as a favourable symptom, that on Wednesday night it was necessary to cleanse the canula only five times. As each cleansing involves a kind of operation, we may imagine what a bad night must be. The phydeiana are evidently deeply anxious, and it would appear, from the very cautious statements made, that they now hesitate to allow the Emperor to leave his bed, for fear of exhausting his reserve of strength. Professor Bergmann has now retired from the case, and the remaining doctors are said to be all agreed ; but six of them still sign the bulletins, which is five too many for true unanimity.