Dr. Clark On Tuesday Moved The Adjournment Of The House
in order to bring up again the question of the crofters' difficulties in the Highlands. Supported by Mr. Sutherland and Mr. Buchanan, he insisted that the Crofters Commission of......
The House Of Commons On Wednesday Crushed Sir J. Lubbock's
plan for shortening the hours of labour in shops, throwing it out by a vote of 278 to 95. Every London Member except one voted in the majority. Sir J. Lubbock's Bill closes all......
Mr. Balfour On Monday Carried The Second Reading Of His
Bill for creating an Under-Secretaryship for his own Depart- ment, by 226 to 177. The Parnellites furiously oppose this proposal,—first, because they hate Colonel King-Harman,......
At The Same Time, Mr. Gladstone Warned Students In One
department of thought from suddenly plunging into another, especially Judges, or historians t .or clergymen from dashing. into politics, remarking that in sudden transitions of......
Mr. Bradlaugh On Tuesday Made:a Motion In The House Of
Commons that where land was left uncultivated, the local authorities should have a right to expropriate it at a price, and let it among the cultivatingclass. In a thorough-going......
At The National Liberal Club On Wednesday, Mr. Gladstone...
opened the " Gladstone Library," as it is to be called, a noble room, of which at present the wealth of shelves is, of course, very much more conspicuous than the wealth of......
Mr. Gladstone Has Written A Letter To Mr. Walter Maclaren
on the assertion made by Mr. Chatterton, the Tory candidate for the Crewe Division, that up to his fiftieth year Mr. Glad- stone was " in full sympathy with the Tory Party." Mr.......