There is no getting out of the clearness of this
decree, though the Freeman's Journal attempts to drive what lawyers call " a coach-and-six " through its terms. The truth is, that Monsignor Persico has given the greater part of a year to collecting the fullest evidence on the subject from both sides, and probably no man in Europe knows more fully and accurately how the case stands than the Papal Envoy to Ireland. It is on his reports that the Congregation of the Propaganda and the Pope have acted. On the whole, the evidence goes to show that the Irish Bishops and priesthood will give way to the Vatican, and will at least no longer give open support either to the " Plan of Campaign " or to Boy- cotting. Whether they will use the power of the confessional in all earnestness to put them down, is quite another matter. The mere politicians, like Mr. Davitt, will go on just as before; but the Church will have to stand aside, -and those tenant- farmers (and they are many) who are sick of the tyranny of the National League will seize and use the opportunity of freedom.