ire THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, I beg to solicit your generous aid by the insertion of this letter in your columns. Hannah Connell, whose name is well known in the House of Commons as a notable instance of National League cruelty and Irish Parliamentary falsification, is now suffering from all the wrath and bitterness which a sentence of six months' imprisonment on her persecutors has aroused in this neighbourhood. She and her son live together in a little cottage on the roadside. They are utterly destitute. The son cannot get employment ; the mother is very old and feeble. They have no possible means of livelihood, unless it comes to them from without. They want clothes, food, fuel. The feeling of hostility towards them is not likely to pass away for a long time, so that they stand alone, =helped and unpitied by their neighbours. Perhaps some of your readers would send me some help to enable these poor creatures to tide over the evil days, and to teach the Leaguers here that their wretched victims will not be left to die of want, at least if English people know of it.—I am, Sir, &c., ARTHUR BONYNGE, D.D.
Miltown Malbay, County Clare, April 28th.