Golden South Africa. By E. P. Mathers, F.R.G.S. (W. B.
Wittingham and Co.)—Mr. Mathers evidently believes in a glowing future for golden Africa, firmly believing it to be the modern " Ophir," and being very much inclined to the view which identifies it with the " Ophir" of Solomon. At present, the capital sunk in the pursuit of African gold is out of all proportion to the interest received for it. It will be many a long year before the sum of £90,000,000 is mined, much less £900,000,000 (which latter amount, Mr. Mothers says, Solomon is supposed to have obtained from " Ophir "). The writer takes us to the different gold-fields, and discusses their value, giving numerous details, and filling these out with actual travelling experiences in various places, desirable and undesirable. Maps of the celebrated fields, as the Delagoa Bay District, Kaep Fields, Moodie's, and the Rand and Heidelberg fields, with lists of distances, are given. As a matter of fact, if we except 1854, and mediaeval mining, it was not till 1875 that modern Ophir really started into existence; and if it is the richest gold country known, it has not as yet borne out such gorgeous promise.