5 MAY 1917, Page 11


(To THE Emma or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—With reference to the letter of D. Mackenzie Macdonald in your last issue respecting " cornmeal mush " as a breakfast dish, I have pleasure in supplying the receipt for making it. My mother is a native of Philadelphia, and we have been accustomed to use it for many years, and if made in the following manner I am sore many of your readers would find it a. pleasant change from oatmeal. To every pint of freshly boiling salted water add slowly, while stirring, a large teacupful of maize meal; boil fifteen minutes, stirring to prevent sticking, and serve with milk and salt or sugar. The maize meal is now procurable at most large grocery stores at 4id. per pound. The " flaked" variety can also he used, but I do not think it so satisfactory for " mush," and it takes much more, about fcur cups to the pint—I am, Sir, &c.,