5 MAY 1917, page 2

The Admiralty Announces That A Homeward-bound Troopship,...

carrying Australian troops, was sunk by a submarine on April 25th, when she was thirty-five-miles from the nearest land. By good fortune and good management, we have had few-......

On Monday The Prime Minister Spent All Day At The

Admiralty slis- CUSLing for the most part the submarine problem. On the same day, in the House of Commons, Sir Edward Carson said that the number of German submarines was......

We Showed Last Week How Lincoln, Faced With Jest Such

a problem in West Virginia, absolutely refused to allow a faction to tyrannize over its fellows under the extremely simple pretence that it was a " State "--or, as-we should say......

Early On The Morning Of Friday, April 27th, Ramsgate Was

heavily shelled by German destroyers. The fire was immediately returned and the enemy driven off, after firing a large number of rounds in little over five minutes. Though the......

Our Gallant Allies Spent Most Of The Week In Making

good their hold of their conquests to the east and west of Reims, in which they took 175 guns on one day and nearly 21,000 prisoners in twelve days' fighting. On Monday,......

General Maude Is Still Vigoroualy Following Up The...

in Mesopotamia. - On Monday he struck at the 13th Turkish Corps, which was entrenching on the Shatt-el-Adhaim, a hundred miles north-east of Baghdad. He caught them unawares,......

Before Ending His Speech At The- Guildhall On Friday Week

Mr. Lloyd George referred to the importance of an Irish settle- ment. On every hand we are being told that failure to settle the Irish question will have a disstrous effect upon......

On Friday Week Mr. Lloyd George At The Guildhall And

Bonar Law in the House of Commons both made important statements On economic policy. The Imperial War Cabinet has unanimously, accepted the principle that the various parts:of......

General Petain, Who Shared With General Nivelle The Glory Of

the immortal defence of Verdun; has been appointed . Chief of the General Staff of the French Army at the Ministry of War. The post, which corresponds closely to that occupied......

Last Saturday The Following Retirements - And -promotions...

announced by the Admiralty , Roar-Admirals:a-Drury St A. Wake; CsBa - C.I.E., the Hon. Stanhope Hawke, and Edward - He- Meubray, all placed on the Retired List, at; their- own......

Sir Douglas Haig Has Struck - Three Heavy Blows At The

s6-called Hindenburg Line east of Arras during the week. The first blow, on Saturday last, gave ns the village of Arleux and two miles of trenches north and south of it. The......

America Confounded The Soepties By Coming Into-the War....

left them speechless by. adopting. conscription forthwith, and not aftea a long , delay, as in Lincoln's time. Last Saturday both Houses of Congress by overwhelming majorities......