5 MAY 1917, Page 2

Before ending his speech at the- Guildhall on Friday week

Mr. Lloyd George referred to the importance of an Irish settle- ment. On every hand we are being told that failure to settle the Irish question will have a disstrous effect upon American opinion. We are deeply sensible of the desirability of a complete union of hearts with the United States, and would do everything in our power to secure. it. But the way is not made easier when British writers misinform Americans as to the nature of the problem. If, as most Americans believe, Ireland had only to be treated. like Texas-in order to be happy, nothing would be easier. Unfortu- nately the " nation " which asks to be treated as a nation is not a nation, but is composed of at least three -desperately hosti:e factions which cannot agree. upon any point in their programme of desires.