5 MAY 1917, Page 12


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") PR,—In the notice of Swinburne's Life by Edmund Gosse, C.B. (April 21st), I think there is a slight inaccuracy—" Though the first scholar or poet who had arisen in the families of his father or his mother," &c., 8:c. Algernon Swinburne and my late husband Paul were first-cousins, and their great-uncle Henry of Ham- sterley, Co. Durham, is mentioned by Barker as follows : " Henry of Hamsterley, Co. Durham, born at Bristol, 19 July, 1743. Author of some very able and popular travels—viz., Travels through Spain in 1;75 and 1776 and Travels in the Two Sicilies, now standard works." I possess these books, and though out of date they are still interesting. I have also a book of fine engravings of Spain

by the same H. Swinburne.—I am, Sir, &e., •


Eldon Villa, 33 George Street, Ryde, 1.1V.