5 MAY 1984, Page 18

Too late

Sir: It is good to see that L.H. Myers has at last been re-issued (Books, 21 April). 011,e or two points in David Lancaster 5, admirably appreciative review of The RE9°` and the Flower, however, deserve correction. They appear to stem from Penelope Fitzgerald's introduction. Leo Myers's father was, and was kin3waci as, a Fellow of Trinity, not of King's (and was,I believe, the youngest Fellow they ha ever elected). At the climax of the trilogy, Rajah Amar is not 'unable to act': he is, int fact, about to kill Prince Daniyal, tt Daniyal has previously divined his intention and has stationed a guard behind hire strike him down as soon as he reaches for his sword. It is Amar's tragedy to hat postponed action until the very last, when1 can only be self-destructive.

R.A.D. Grant

Department of English, The University, Glasgow