5 MAY 1984, page 18

Sir: David Carlton Writes: 'let Us Remember, Too, That Any

British citizen living or working in Libya must have had some notion of the , risks involved and accordingly is not entitled to expect to be rescued now or in the future at too......

Sir: Clearly, No Power When Subscribing To The Vienna...

could have imagined that its terms could ever be exploited to get a killer off the hook. All the same, in the interests of civilisation, it must go on as signed until a change......

Too Late

Sir: It is good to see that L.H. Myers has a t last been re-issued (Books, 21 April). 011 , e or two points in David Lancast er 5 , admirably appreciative review of The RE 9° `......

Scargill's Warning

Sir: 'As bad as each other'? Charles Moore (Politics, 21 April) appears to distinguish Mrs Thatcher from Mr Scargill because she said she intended to abolish the GLC and the......


Libyan horrors Sir: I well understand Auberon Waugh's reluctance (Another voice, 28 April) to believe that the Libyans actually sent the horrifying instructions to the 'People's......

My Friend Louis

Sir: You hardly need to say that you do not agree with Louis Eaks on Palestine or th . ! Middle East but to sneer (Notes, 28 Apr il) about convictions at the beginning of t h e......

Fatuous And Naïve

Sir: Much of what Colin Welch (Centrepiece, 14 April) has to say about South Africa is true, especially his appreciation of the complexity of the situation and how fatuous and......