Tuesday, Nov. 1.
ppm, and Fisher. Golear Edge. Yorkshire. cloth-manufacturers-Swift and Wad, diugran, Wigan. cabinet.makere-Hince and Watkins, Cornon, Shropshire, butchers - Bartou and Molyneux. Preston. flax-spinners-Carr and Denman, Blackburn cotton- manufacturers-I. and R. James, West Tilbury. Essex. millers-Coventry and Sevin- ton, Clement's Lane, City. insurance-brokers-Critchley and Schwabe. Manchester. blearthers-Blackmore and Genge. Horseferry Road, Limehouse. ship smith's-Mere- dith and Punnett. Blomfield Street, City. architects- C. and J. Wootton, Leicester, builders-Cuff and Bacon, Great Queen Street. tavern-keepers-Cockbain and Dale. Liverpool. painters-W. and R. Pickersgill, Leeds, common-carriers -Woodhead mid Devisee, Potteries. Eccleshill, Yorkshire -Woodhead and Co. Colliery. Beeston, Leeds-T. and S. Reader, Foleshill, Warwickshire. millers-Kitson and Robinson, White Street, Borough, soap boilers-Cole and Bayne, New Sneintou, Nottingham- shire. comb-manufacturers-J. and A. Lindop. Cannon Street. toy merchants-Rollason
Ez Co. Birmingham. glass dealers. rersor.vesrrs. Baptism. WILLIAM and Joint. Uxbridge. seed-crushers, Nov. 1.
RAYNER, WILLIAM, Uxbridge. surgeon, Nov. 1.
RAWER, Jonah Uxbridge, chemist. Nov. 1.
FENNELL, EDMUND and Itreamto, Aldertnaubury Postern, warehousemen.
FENNILL, EDMUND and RICHARD, Aldermaubury Postern, yarn-merchants, to sue. render No'-.?. Dec. 13: solicitors, Mr. Hitchcock. Manchester; and Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; official assignee. Mr. Alsager. Birchin Lane.
FRANCE, JAMES, Manchester, cotton-manufacturer, Nov. 11, Dec. 13: solicitors, Mr. Fletcher, Finsbury Square ; and Mr. Norris, Manchester. FRICoUR. AUGUSTINE. St. Martin's Lane. botedkeeper, Nov. 11. Dec. 13: solicitor, Mr. M'Duff, Castle Street, Holboru ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.
HOPPER, WILLIAM, Great Queen Street, Linedn's Tun Fields. carpet,warehouseman, Nov. 19, Dec. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Taylor and Collierm, Great James Street; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Coptball Court. Lawsor:. DAVID, Marylebone Street, Piccalilly, woollendmper. Nov- 11. Dec. 13t solicitor, Mr. Fiddey, Temple; official assignee. Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street.
STARLING. JOHN PLEASANCE. Blakenev. Norfolk. coal-merchant, Nov. 10, Dec. 13: solicitors, Mr. Helme, Gray's inn: and Mr. Jay, Norwich.
Suffering, Turmas, York. tobacconist. Nov. 10, Dec. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Mr. Leeman. York, WOOD, JOSHUA and Co. Denby Dale, Yorkshire, faucy cloth manufacturers. Nov. 10, Dec. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Van Sandau and Ciummiug, King Street Cheapside ; Mr. Jacomb, Huddersfield; and Mr. Wells, Bradford.
NOV. 22, Earle, Castle Street, Long Acre. black coach-master -Nov. 24. Hadnutt, William Street. Lambeth. carpenter-Nov. 22, Plow. Riches Court. Lime Street, mer- chant-Nov. 24, Bellemois Pomroy Street. Old Kent Road. chemist-Nov. 22, John- son. Archer Street. Haymarket. cotter-Nov. 22, Mackintosh, Haymarket, accoutre- ment-maker-Nov. 22, Elstob, Conduit S.reet, underwriter.
CERTIFICATES Tobe granted. unless cause be shown to the contraro. before Non. 22.
Norrison. Devil's Bridge. Card'atanshire, innkeeper-Nock Oldbury. coal-master- Haddock. Warrington. bookseller-Atkinson, Green Bank, Westmoreland, bobbin- maker-Edgley. Manchester. warehouseman-Sorge'', Rochdale. wool dealer -Parbery. Northampton. sadler -Elliott, Wakefield, corn-merchant-Jackson, Haverhill, wine• merchant-Blake. Bristol, tailor-Fletcher, Birmingham. oilman-Fehr -Glascott, Great Garden Street, Whitechapel Road. copper merchant -Braddick. Bristol, tanner -Walker. Wardour Street, appraiser-Gautier, Gould Square, merchant.
Friday, Nov. 4.
gsarrrearnres DISSCILVI D.
, ?Critelli and Co.,Manchester, calico-printers-Marsh and Co. Sheffield, edge-tool- manufacturers-J. and 1. Hussey, Staleybridge, grocers-C. and W.Trego, East Stone- henge, Devonshire, painters-S. and G. Summers, Richtnoud, Surrey, grocers-J. and J. James, Newnbam. Gloucestershire, attornies-Bardwell and Co. Holborn Bridge, woollendrapers; as far as regards J. Thwaites-Leach and Baker, Cross Street. Fins- bury, wine-merchants -Pilbeam and Hampton. Chatham, drapers-Chase and Osbnl- diston, Ironmonger Lane, coal merchants-Carr and Leaver. Blackburn, coal-dealers- De Home and Christy, Farringdon, Berkshire. eheese•factors-Musgrove and Laffine. Eecleston. Lancashire. tanuers-Daines aud Beans. Blue Anchor Road, millers-J. and J. A. Turner, Leadenhall Street, pianoforte manufacturers-Striugfellow and Fow- ler, Chorley, solicitors-Dow and Richmond, Liverpool, viaegarmanufacturers-R. sad F. Hunt, Sheffield, carriers.
Krmounoe, Thomas, Hoxton Old Town, dyer, Nov. 3. Lass, Enamarn, Cirencester. edge-tool-maker, Nov. 4. Wools, Iticareiro, &rapes, Devonshire, cornfactor, Nov. 4.
MITCHELL, JOHN, Godalming, Surrey, butcher.
BEAumoNy, JOHN, Tottenham Court Rand. surgeon. to surrender. Nov. 11, Dec. 16: solicitors. Messrs. Gregson and Kewell, Augel Court, Throgmorton Street ; official as- signee. Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. BROWN, hugs, and BARRWIT, ROBERT HUMPHREYS, White Horse Lane, Stepney, ma- nufacturers of ship controllers, Nov. 16. Dec. 16: solicitor. Mr. Trittou, Three Crown Square, Southwark; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street Buildings. • DAVIS. Samar. Church Lane. Whitechapel. linendraper, Nov. 11, Dec. 16; solici- tor. Mr. Lloyd. Cheapside; official assignee. Mr. Graham. Basinghall Street.
GODDARD, SAMUEL ASPINWALL, and HILL, RICHARD, Birmingham, merchants, la:cer. 11, Dec. 16: solicitors, Messrs. Rowland and Young. White Lion Court, Cornbill ; and Messrs, la ndall and Son. and Messrs. Aruold and Co. Birmingham. HAGUE, ISAAC and Cu. Wapping Wall, engineers, Nov. 11, Dec. 16: solicitors. Messrs. Heatheote and Holman, Coleman Street- official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Rasinghall Street.
HALL, JOSEPH, Winerortl, Cheshire, grocer, Nov. 11, Dec. 16: solicitors, Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Wagstaff and Co. Waddiugtou.
Ma.r.s. HENRY, Southampton, woollendraper, Nov. 10, Dec. 16: solicitors, Messrs. Dods and Linklater. H. Martin's Lane.
Mt/ODELL. JOHN, Freeman's Court, wine-merchant, Nov. 18. Dec. 16: solicitor, Mr. Watsen, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assiguee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane. SORRY, JOHN, Sheffield, steel-manufacturer, Nov.17. Dec. 16: solicitors, Mr. Duncan, Chatteery Lane ; and Mr. Unwin, Sheffield. WINTER. HENRY STEPHEN. Regent Street. milliner. Nov. 12, Dec.16 : solicitor. Mr. Tarrant, Walbr, ok; official assignee, Mr. Green. Aide, manbury. Wuaraucerv. WILLIAM, Crosby Row, Southwark. engineer, Nov. 12, Dec. 16: soli- citor, Mr. Silvester, Great Dover Street, Southwark; official assignee, Mr. Gibson. Basinghall.street.
November 14, Ficbolls, Edgeware Read. livery•stable-keeper-Nov. 25. Stringer, Poplar. victualler-Nov. 25, Clay, Dewsbury, draper-Nov. 26, Munday, Fore Street, bookseller-Nov. 26. Mills. Caterham, Surrey. 'upholder - Nov. 26. Durlacher. Old Burlington Street, picture.dwaler-Nov. 26, Palliser, Moorgate Street. saddler-Nov. 26, Kempster, South Weald, Essex, iunkeeper-Nov. 11, Shepherd and Drew, South- amptou, innkeepers-Nov.8, Alder, Brimpscombe. Gloucestershire, cloth.factor -Nur. 11, Miles and Dawkins, Southampton, boot-makers.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Nov. 25, Williams. Bristol. bnilder-Fehr. Birmingham. draper-nark, Huttoft. Lineoln- cotton-wioder-E. and T. Oldham. Chalford, Gloucestershire. builders- Britten, iuridel,uoullendraper-Bratton, Drayton-in•Hales. Shropshire. tanner-Boon, Burs- ,'eray Staffordshire. ironmonger - Caparn, Riddings. Derby shire, brewer -Dillon. Here- K'r'. brazier-Lewis, Lincoln. hotel-keeper-Broadberry, North Collingham, Notting- amslare, coal dealer-Noble, Biddick, -Durham, ship-builder-Fallen. Selby, fllerchianl_Smitb. Nottingham, cabinet-maker-Phillips-Lacey. Liverpool, booksel- wr -Hughes Wrexham, victualler-Buglass, Sunderland, victualler.
FENTON, Dews. Rennieswell, farmer. Nov. 10, Dec. 1.
G mermen, lcurs. and Maco-nru.n. Jona. Glasgow, currier'. Nov. 10. 30.
51'1.ra tn. CRARLES and CHARLES. Kilmorich, Perthshire. distillers. Nov.9. 30.
Roaewrson, Wzgorere, Strauraer. writer, Nov. 8. 29.