5 NOVEMBER 1842, page 21
Military Gazette.
WAR-OFFICE, Nov. 1.—Royal Regt. of Horse Guards—G. E. G. East, Gent. to be Corset, by purchase, vice Stuart, whose appointment has been cancelled. 3E1 Regt. Light Drags.—Lieut.......
Prices Current.
Saturday DS. Monday. (Closing Prices.) Tuesday. Wanes. Thum 3 per Cent. Consols 931 938 931 931 Ditto for Account 931 93k 931 931 3 per Cents. Reduced 921 913 93 93 31 per......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, Nov. 1. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. ppm, and Fisher. Golear Edge. Yorkshire. cloth-manufacturers-Swift and Wad, diugran, Wigan. cabinet.makere-Hince and Watkins, Cornon,......