WAR-OFFICE, Nov. 1.—Royal Regt. of Horse Guards—G. E. G. East, Gent. to be Corset, by purchase, vice Stuart, whose appointment has been cancelled. 3E1 Regt. Light Drags.—Lieut. W. Unett to be Capt. by Purchase. vice White, who retires; Cornet C. &isles to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Uuett ; H. Ellis, Gent, to he Cornet, by purchase, vice Bowles. 3d Regt. Foot - To be Lieuts.ithout purchase : Eusigit R. Crawley. from the 81st Foot. vice Deshorough, promoted ; Ensign H. Smith, me Thompson. appointed to the 28th Foot: Eusign A. H. 11 Mercer. vice. Meacham. ap- pointed to the 28th Foot. To be Ensign. without purchase: B. R. M'Dermott. Geat. vice Dilkes, appointed to the 21st Foot. 5th Foot—G. Renny, Geut. bib«, Second Lieut. without purchase, vice Mimeo. promoted. 6th Foot—Lieut. M. Hall to be Capt. by purchase. vice Anderson, who retires; Ensign E. F. Crowder, to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Hall; Gent. Cadet G. Armytage. from the Royal Mittary College, to be Ensign. by purchase. vice Crowder. 26th Foot—Lieut. C. Gelatin, from the Cry ten Bilk Regt. lobe Lieut. vice Brock. promoted; Ensign W. A. Eyre to be LieuL by purchase. vice De Crespigny, also retires; Gent. Cadet E. F. Ansley, from the Royal Military College, to be Eosign„ by parchase, vice Ewe. 26th Foot —To be Ensigns, without purchase : S. Read. Gent. vice Rawson. promoted; J. D. Malcom, Gent. vice Cotton, promoted; T. Mitchell, Gent. vice Grant. promoted; J. W. Shelton, Geut. Tit! Browne, promoted ; F. G. Moore, Gent. vice Webb. promoted; S. L. A. B. Messiter, Gent. 31st Foot—Ensign R. B. Tritton. To be Lieut. without purchase. vice Moore, appointed to the 28th Foot. To be Ensigns, without purchase : W. F. Raitt, Gent. vice Hart, promoted; C. T. Cormick, Gent, vice Law, promoted. 35th Foot—Surg. D. Lister. Dorn the Staff, to be Sorg. vice Sillery, promoted on the Staff. 90th Foot— W. R. Goddard. Gent, to be Eusigu, without purchase, vice Cormick, promoted. 44th Foot—Ensign Frederick Hackett, to be Lieutenant, without purchase. vice Italian. killed in action. 97th Foot—Paymaster Douglas Leith Cox, from the 1st West India Regiment, to be Paymaster, vice Frith, appointed to the 10th Light Dragoous. 50th Foot—Lieut. S. H. Murray, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Gunton. who retires; Ensign F. T. Lister, lobe Lieut. by purchase, vice Murray; It. M. Barnes, Gent, to be Eusigu, by purchase, vice Lister, 57th Foot—Ensign J. Mot phett„ lobe Lieut. waked purchase. vice M•Lachlan, appointed to the 28th Foot; C. G. D. Anuesley, Goat, to be Ensign without purchase, vice Thomas, appointed to the 9th Foot. 62d Foot— Ensign K. E. Hillier to be Lieut. without purchase, Tie*, Dane, appointed to the 28th Foot. 6Jd Pout—To be Lieuts. without purchase; Ensign M. C. Hughes, from the 69th Foot, vice Fowle. pi omoted ; Ensign L. Mahon, from the77th Foot, vice 0 Brien, prom. ted in the 94th Foot. 77th Foot—J. Moore, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Edwards, who retires. 92E1 Foot—Brevet Major G. E. Thoreld to be 513,10r. without purcuase, vice Brevet Lieut.-Col. Wiuchester, who retires upon full FY; Lieut. A. N. Campbell to be Capt. vice Thorold ; Ensign J. H. Ross, from the 11th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Campbell.
let West India Regt,— Lieut. E H. Bingham to be Adjt. vice Bush, deceased ; J. II. Thompson. Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Coen. deceased. Ceylon Rifle Regt.—Second-Lieut. W. C. Vanderspar to be First-Lieut-;witheet chase, vice Garstio. appoioted to the 20th Foot; J. II. Hamilton, Gent, to be Sewn"' Lieut. without purchase, vice Vauderspar. Hospital Staff.—Surg. R. Sillery, M.D. from the 35th Foot. to be Staff Surg. of the First Class, vice J. Wilsou, who retires upon half-pay. Staff be Staff Sorg. of the Second Class. vice Lister. appointed Assist.-
ud totle35%1' R Foot. A. lias r A. Fraser, M.B. to be the forces, ice Allan. promoted on the Staff. Bret et.—To be Lieut,Cols. In the Army: Major S. Macdougall, of the 42d Punt, Major Hill, of the 53d Foot; Major D. Hay, of the 6th Dragoon Guards; Major L. Dames, of the 66th Foot. To be Majors in the Army : Capt. 11. It. Wright, el the Royal Artillery; Capt. T. Canch. on half-pay Unattached. FortMaior at Edinburgh; ego, F. Wollaston, of the 6th Dragoons; Capt. J. Douglas. of the 79th Foo'. grasereedd.-The commission of Brevet lid&or A. J. Hadfield, of the 3711* Regt. Madras Native Infantry, to be Major in the Army in the East Indies. has been aide dated to July 8th 1841. The commission of Lieut. F. Hackett, of the 44th Fo t. has been setedaterlto November 4th 1841, to place him in his proper position in that Corps. The promotion of Ensign H. H. J. Massy to be Lieut. in the 44th Foot. as stated in the Gazette of the 19th instant. has been cancelled.