The Continental news is scanty. Nothing had been heard of
the overland India mail at Marseilles on the 2d; but the French telegraphic despatch is hourly expected in London.
The Journal des Dibots of Thursday excuses the dismissal of General Pajol, by saying that his age, sixty-seven, made retirement not only desirable for the public service, but honourable.
The Committees of the States closed their sittings at Berlin oa the 24th.
The Morning Herald says, under the date of Vienna, October 24th- " We learn from good authority, that a considerable reduction will shortly be made in Austria on the import-duty on several foreign ar- ticles, especially on coffee and sugar. The 1st of January 1843 is the time when this alteration is to take place."
The Augsburg Gazette gives an ugly picture of the state of Servia under its new Government. Each day the Government ordered persona to be arrested on account of their political opinions. Several wealthy merchants had been torn from their families. Many had been incar- cerated, and some had died in consequence of their sufferings.