On the 25th October, at Fleetwood, the Lady of Capt. RSECHKE, R.N.. of a daughter.. On the 27th, at Kirklands of Aocrum, Rexburg-1161'1re, Mrs. HENKE REEVK, of a daughter.
On the 28th. at Donnington Cottage, the Lady of Commander COURTENAY °matte HAYS, of her Majesty's ship Wolf. of a son. On the 30th. the Wife of Dr. DAVID Bolters, of Vernon Place, Bloomsbury square. of a daughter.
Ou the 3011,, at Brunswick Square, Brighton, the Wife of Glamor E. Erse, Esq., of Warreus, Wilts, of a daughter.
On the 3011t, at Aston. Herts. the Lady of the Rev. G. E. BRUNNER, of a son. On the 31st, in Welbeck Street. the Lady of THOMAS Boaouree. Esq.. of a daughter. On the 31st, at College Hill, the Lady of the Rev. Joux SMITH, M.A.. of a daughter. MARRIAGES.
On the 5th October, at Kiusou Church, Great Cauford, Dorset. Jone Bir.rdeo. Esq., of Reading. Berks, 10 ELIZABETH CATFIERINE, secoud daughter of James Pymar, Esq., of Pelham House, Great Canford. On the 15th. at the British Embassy:, Naples, JOHN BOWLES HARE. Esq., of Berkeley Square. Bristol, to JARS, daughter of the late Edward Strachey, Esq., of the Bengal Civil Service.
On the 27th, at Malpas, Jour: TAYLOR Worrnuorox, Esq., Captain in the Eleventh Infantry, second son tit the lute Sir Thomas Edward Wirminenm, Bart., of Stanford Court. Worcestershire, to EMMA, third daughter of Thomas Pruthero. Esq., of Malpas Court. Monmouthshire.
Oa the 1st November, at St. Panems Church. Joins CAMPBELL, Esq.. of Coleaberg, in the colony of the Cape of Good Hope, son of the late Major-General Charles Cohn Campbell. to SARAH WEST, only daughter of the late William Henry West, Esq., of the island of Jamaica.
On the 1st. at Whiltioghame, East Lothian, the seat of James Balfour. Esq., the Hon. EDWARD PLEYDELL BOUVERIS. second son of the Earl of Radnor, to Emzsarris ANNE. youngest daughter of the late Geueral Balfour, of lialbtruie, N It. On the 3d. at the English Church, Alexandria. JAMES LILBURN, Esq., M.D.. her Britannic Majesty 's Comet for the island of Cyprus, to Maar, only daughter of Stephen Wooldridge, Esq.. of Chichester.
On the 24th September, of bmiu-fever, at the house of the British Consul at Adalia. In Syria. the Rev. Elovaito TiloMAII DANIELS., M.A., of Green Street, late Reader at St. Mark's Chapel, Grosvenor Square. On the 11th October. at Jantatca, near New York, Fruxess, Wife of Mr. George Adlard. formerly of Piccadilly. On the 27th. in Park Street. Grosvenor Square. Isaeet.ta ELEANOR, youngest daughter of the late Sir Edward Nightingale. Bart., of Kueesworth Hall, Cambridgeshire; its her 51st year.
On the 29th. in Belgrave Place, Pimlico. ALLAN CUNNINGHAM. Esq.; in his 56th year. On the 30th. at Streatham. SUSANNAH, the Wife Of MATTHIAS ATIWouD, Esq.. M.P. On the 31st, at Mount Nebo House, near Taunton, the Rev. RICHARD %Visitor. M.A.. of Magdalen College, Oxfasd. Rector of Minster and Furrabury. in the comity of Cornwall, awl Perpetual Curate of Ruishion. in Sumersetshire • in Ins 72d year. On the 31st, at Fulwell balge, Twickenham, the residence of lila, Sir William Clay, Bart., JASIES TEmELE Boweons, Elm., second son of the tale Sir John Temple, Bart., and grandson of Governor Bowdoiu, of Massachusetts. United States; Cu his 66th year.
On the 31st, is St. John's Wood Road, of GrOpleXy, JOHN Sal RATON, Esq., Engineer to the London Dock Company ; in his 334 year.
On the let November, at Twickenham Green, Mrs. ELIZABSTH Arreastrar; In her 93d year. Oa the 2.1. at his house, In Russell Square, ROBERT SFANICIE, Esq.. one of her Ma- jesty's Sergeants-at- low; in his 63111 year.
THOMAS GRADY, Esq., of belmont, county of Limerick; In hls 84th year.