5 NOVEMBER 1853, Page 20

COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, Tuesday, November 1.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Faviell and Maxfield, railway-contractors on the Leeds Northern Railway—Balle and Co. St. Dunstan's Court, Fleet Street, hook- binders—W. and F. Talbot, Kidderminster, attomies—Johuson and Grave, Black- man Street, Southwark, drapers—Dimsdale and Lloyd, King's Arms Yard, attornies —Gibson and Co. Great St. Helen's, ship-brokers—Williams and Griffiths, Chelten- ham, attornies—Bennion and Meredith, Oswestry, surgeons—W. and D. Rose, Wol- verhampton, brass-founders— Hulston and Griffiths, Birmingham, timber-merchants —Hebblethwaite and Lister, Huddersfield, woollen-cloth-merchants—Simpson and Co. Beckermont, Cumberland, manufacturers of spades ; as far as regards R.. Atkin- son—Spencer and Fletcher, Birmingham, drapers—Allen and Round, Kingswinford, brick-makers—Slater and Wright, Whitby, jet-ornament-manufacturers—Hollivrell, Brothers, Liverpool, opticians ; as far as regards C. Holliwell—Dobson and Co. Leeds, woollen-drapers—Mee and Humberston, Leicester, manufacturers of fancy hosiery—Mower and APEvoy, Sheffield, brewers.

Bansamers.—GEMIGE WINTER and JAMES WINTER, Hastings, builders, to surren- der Nov. 11, Dec. 15: solicitors, Marten and Co. Mincing Lane; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings—MICAH MELI,OR, Clare, Suffolk, innkeeper, Nov. 11, Dec. 15: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street; Sams, Clare; official as- signee, Johnson, Basinghall Street—ROBERT JEFFERY, tipper North Place, Gray's Inn load, coach-maker, Nov. 11, Dec. 13; solicitor, Donaldson, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury Square; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings- Liceum Grumman, Queen Street, merchant, Nov. 11, Dec. 16: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—Climax-a &aim, Victoria Road, Kentish Town, victualler, Nov. 12, Dec. 16: solicitor, Ware, Black- man Street; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—Janes ALcoce and RICHARD BELL, Longton, Staffordshire, auctioneers, Nov. 16, Dec. 14: solicitors, Taylor, South Street, Fiusbury Square; Motteram and Knight, Birmingham ; offi- cial assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham—Gasoortv and GREGORY Banak-rr, Kidder- minster, carpet-manufacturers, Nov. 15, Dec. 13: solicitors, Talbot, and Saunders and Son, Kidderminster; Motteram and Knight, Birmingham; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham—Hz:ray BOLT, Birmingham, silversmith, Nov. 14, Dec. 5: solicitor, Partridge, Birmingham; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham— JOHN BYWATER, Nottingham, tailor, Nov. 11, Dec. 9: solicitors, Shilton and Son, Nottingham; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham—Joan ROBERTS, Tividale Wire Works, Dudley, wire-drawer, Nov. 14, Dec. 3: solicitors, Bolton, Wolverhampton; Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham—WILLtan RIDGE, Exeter, tailor, Nov. 9, Dec. 8: solicitor, Turner, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter—Tuonas Anson, Leeds, stone-merchant, Nov. 11, Dec. 9: solicitor, Clarke, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds—WILLIAM TWEDDLE, Liverpool, eoap-boiler, Nov. 16, Dec. 5: solicitor, Pemberton, Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liver- pool—James ANDREW and JONATHAN HOWARD, Hollinwood, Lancashire, joiners, Nov.14, Dec. 13: solicitors, Cobbett and Wheeler, Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester—Joan HAMMOND BELL, Manchester, hosier, Nov. 14, Dec. 5: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Putt, Manchester.

DIVIDENDS.—Nov. 22, Brown, Brunswick Street, Stamford Street, engineer—Nov.

22, Russell and Musgrove, Norwich, sack-manufacturers—Nov. 22, Scott, Titch- bourne Street, hosier—Nov. 29, Chambers sen. and A. H. Chanibers jun. late of New Bond Street, bankers—Nov. 24, Edmunds, Tottenham, tailor—Nov. 29, Parker, Ox- ford, brewer—Nov. 18, Hildesheimer, otherwise Levi, Woolwich, grocer—Nov. 90, Marshall, South Shields, shipowner—Nov. 29, It. and J. Buttner, South Shields, ship-builders—Nov. 30, Mole, Birmingham, victualler—Nov. 30, Cotterill and Hill, Walsall, Staffordshire, merchants—Nov. 30, Gray, Wolverhampton, currier—Nov.

23, Itainford, Liverpool, upholsterer.

CERTIFICATES.— To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.—Nov. 22, Hutchison, Riches Court, Lime Street, ship-broker—Nov. 23, Hertslet, Union Court, Broad Street, merchant—Nov. 23, Parkes, Upper Ebury Street, Pimlico, corn-chandler—Nov. 23, Black and Cope, Earl Street, Blackfriars, iron-merchants—Nov. 25, R. M. and R. Nelson, Darlington, provision-merchants- Nov. 25, Fowler, Macclesfield, provision-dealer.

DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.—Thomas jun. Haworth, worsted-spinner; first div. of Is. any day ; Young, Leeds—Earnshaw, Ashton-uuder-L)ne, grocer; first div, of la. Md. any Tuesday; Putt. Manchester.

SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.—Drummond, Crieff, cattle-dealer, Nov. 11—Holm, Kll- Renfrewshire, farmer, Nov. 9.

Friday, November 4. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED— Botteley and Tildasley, West Bromwich, coal-masters- Ogilvy and Strettell, Liverpool, plumbers—May and Keeney, Nottingham, builders— Edge and Sou, Burslem, cheese-factors—J. and J. T. Walker, Princes Street, watch- arakersW. and J. Hudson, Bradford, Yorkshire, stuffmcn —Haley and Newsome, Dewsbury, woollen-manufacturers—H. and J. Lancaster, Wallsall, iron-masters- Lill and Taylor, Nottingham, lace-manufacturers—Potter and Barrow, Manchester, yarn-agents—Plant and Woolf, Sandbach, Cheshire, brewers—Hill and Co. Liver- pool, ship-smiths—Davies and Chancellor, Reading, grocers—Corrie and Co. Min- cing Lane, brokers ; as far as regards E. Cords—English's Patent Camphine Com- pany, Hull, tar-distillers; as far as regards J. Watson—Horsfall and Brothers, Bradford, Yorkshire, woolstaplers, and Bertha and Co. manufacturers ; as far as regards T. and .1. liorsfall—T. and IL Whipp, Bury, curriers—Moss and Newman, Newport, Monmouthshire, cabinet-makers—Wail and Trouncer, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, surgeons—Whitwell and Co. Bristol, ship-brokers—Guedon and Co. Middleton, Lancashire, silk-dyers—Blockader and Co. Aldine Chambers, Pater- noster Row, booksellers—Nightingale and Son, Manchester, quilt-manufacturers- Groom and Huntley, King's Langley, Hertfordshire,Jirewers—Wilton and Co. Gray's

• Inn, attornics; as fax as regards J. It. Wilton—Anderson and Co. Glasgow, manu- facturers.

BANERCPTS.—FRANcis BUSBY, Cambridge, brewer, to surrender Nov. 18, Dec. 19: solicitors. Wright and Kingsford, Essex Street, Strand ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street—Wituan WARRINGTON sen. Upper Berkeley Street West, glass- stainer, Nov. 18, Dec. 19 solicitors, Randall and Co. Castle Street ; official as- signee, Johnson, Basinghall Street—Geoeee TURNER, St. George's Place, North Brixton, baker, Nov. 15, Dec. 15: solicitors, Hillearys, Fenchurch Street; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings—Ricamin BAILEY. jun. Hastings, tailor,

Nov. 17, Dec. 13 .

solicitor, Yonge, Strand • official assignee, Edwards, 8am. brook Court—Fuer:cis TORFREY, Abergavenny„brewer, Nov. 15, Dec. 13: solicitors, Westmacott and Co. Bedford Row ; Hellings, Bath; official assignee, Hutton, Bris- tol—RICHARD and Joan SF.ATON WILSON, Hull, stone-masons, Nov. 16, Dec, it solicitors, Shackles and Son, Hull; official assignee, Carrick, HulL

DIVIDENDS.—Nov. 29, Brock, Sackville Street, tailor—Dec. 1, Cerrito, Mincing Street, merchant—Dec. 1, Brookes. Banbury, printer—Nov. 26, Cocq, Colombo, East Indies, merchant—Nov. 14, Shelton, Wellington, Shropshire, saddler—Nov. 28, Hunter, Leeds, chemist.

Cawnrieserzs.— lb be granted, unless cause be shown to ths contrary, on the days, tneeting.—Nov. 29, Pool, Princes Road, Notting Hill, builder—Nov. 30, Williams, Lower Wookey Mills. Wells, paper-maker—Dec. 15, Watts, Yeovil, auctioneer— Nov. 25, Mortimer, Bury, Lancashire, silk-dyer. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDL—Wilkins, Brighton, builder; second div. of 2s. 6d„ Nov. 8, or any subsequent Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street—Down, Taunton grocer; first div. of 3a. Nov. 8, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basingbal Street—Fletcher, Derby, card-board-manufacturer ; first div. of 25. 6d. Nov. 5, and three subsequent Saturdays; Harris, Nottingham—Goldsmith, Nottingham tailor; Scat div. of 4s. 6d. Nov. 5, and three subsequent Saturdays; Harris, Nottingham._ Butterworth, Mansfield, grocer; first div. of 2a. 6d. Nov. 5, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Harris, Nottingham—Nelson and Co. Darlington, provision-merchants; first div. of lls. any Saturday; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne—Frazer, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, corn-merchant; final div. of 119-40d. any Saturday; Wakley, Newcastle- upon-Tyne.