The Nest. Fac-simile Of A Water-colour Drawing By Hunt....
Lithograph by M. and N. Hanhart. [This print is rightly denominated a "fac-simile" ; and a fac-simile of 01)(1 of those modest little bits of the poetry of nature in which Mr.......
Cramp Hum %int Tualto Nit Cat Einularo.
THE RUSSIAN AND AMERICAN TARIFFS. If the Emperor of Russia could only compel his sixty millions of serfs to contribute as liberally to the national exchequer as the same number......
Fine Arts.
THE PROVINCIAL EXHIBITIONS. We have before mentioned the bestowal of the annual prize of the Li, verpool Fine Arta Academy upon Mr. W. Holman Hunt's picture of "Claudio and......
Publications Received. Boma,
Hugonis Grotii, .De Jure Belli, Libri Tres. Accompanied by an Abridged Translation by William Whewell, D.D., Master of Trinity College, and Professor of Moral Philosophy in the......