The buoyancy which was so prominent in the English Funds on Saturday last has been renewed this week to a considerable extent: the improvement up to yesterday afternoon amounted to 21 per cent. The news regarding the Turkish question since Tuesday inclusive has been discouraging, and several speculative sales have been made ; but these have only produced a moment- ary depression, the extensive purchases of Money Stock on account of the public causing subsequently a great advance. This demand for Stock, com- bined with the near approach of the settling-day, has produced a scarcity, and 1 more has been paid for Consols for immediate delivery. On Monday the Funds rose about 1 per cent. Consols then closed at 931 41. Tuesday was a holyday at the Bank of England and Stock Exchange ; but some pri- vate transactions took place in the Funds, at a decline of 1, owing to tele. graphic information that 30,000 men of the Turkish army crossed the Danube on the 27th October. This being generally believed, produced a further fall at the opening on Wednesday, when Consols were quoted 92 3, but after seve- ral fluctuations, .closed with great firmness at 94. Yesterday they were done as high as 95k; the intelligence of a collision between the Turks and Rus- sians in Asia producing only a trifling reaction. The market hes been strengthened by a notice on Wednesday from the Bank of England, as au- thorized to pay immediately, upon the application of dissentients to the Con- version, the amount of the petty stocks in the New South Sea Annuities, Three per Cents 1761, and Three per Cents 1726, due on the 5th January next. The discount to be 4 per cent per annum, and no sums of stock to be received less than 1000/. The total amountof the three stocks was 3,134,2401.; of which 754,2391. is to be converted, leaving a balance which may be called for of 2,380,0011. The holders have consequently the opportunity of select- ing some other investment should they anticipate a rise before January ; and the pressure upon the Money Market at that period will now be relieved. A bargain took place yesterday at soi in Consols assented to be reduced to Two-and-a-half per Cent. The shipment of specie to India and China has amounted this week to 433,5004, chiefly in silver.
Today the Funds have declined f, owing to telegraphic accounts from Vienna, stating that Bucharest and other towns in the Principalities were placed in a state of siege, martial law proclaimed, and an engagement hourly expected. Consols close at 941 1 for Money and 9415 for Account.
Bank Stock has advanced 5 this week ; India Stock 2; Exchequer Bills Is.
In Foreign Stocks great activity has prevailed, and the following advance has taken place—Dutch Two-and-a-half and Four per Cents, 2; Austrian, Danish Five, Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Deferred, Portuguese Four and Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, Sardinian, Buenos Ayres, and Venezuela, 1; Spanish Deferred, ; Three per Cent ditto, and Granada Deferred, 5; Spanish Certificates, . Mexican has been as high as 27, owing to that Government having made arrangements for the payment of the half-yearly dividend due since the 1st of July 1852, Colonel Facie being instructed to edvertise the payment of the dividend immediately : the Stock is today 26 1. Railways have been Arm. An advance of 11. to ft Ss. took place on Mon- day in several instances : a slight reaction on Wednesday was yesterday more than regained ; and at the close the improvement in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday was to the following extent—Great North- ern, Si. 10s. ; East Lancashire, 31.; South-eastern 21. las. - Lancashire and Yorkshire, and Norfolk, 21.; Caledonian, and South-eastern, 11. 15s.; North British, York, Newcastle, and Berwick, and York and North Midland, II. 10s. ; Great 'Western, and London and North-western, 1/. 5s.; Edinburgh and Glasgow, Lancaster and Carlisle, London, Brighton, and South Coast, Newmarket, and Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 1/. In Foreign Shares the advance has been—Paris and Strasbourg, 108.; Grand Junction of France, Northern of France, Paris and Lyons, and Sambre and Meuse, 5s.; Great Central of France, 2s. 6d. Western of France have declined 10s. To- day the English and Foreign lines are a shade lower.
The English Funds opened 5 lower this morning, owing to the commence- ment of hostilities on the Danube ; they have since recovered. Consols are now 945 / for Money and 941 5 for Account; Exchequer Bills 1 to 5 pre- mium. The bullion return by the Bank of England is favourable, showing an increase of 310,4781. In Foreign Stocks the only alteration is a decline of 1 in Sardinian, which are now 91 3. Railways are steady ; bargains have taken place in the following—Eastern Counties, 121; Lancashire and York- shire, 641; London. and North-western, 103; Midland, 601; York, New- castle, and Berwick, 64; York and North Midland, 48.
S per Cent Conaols
Danish 3 per Cents
81 3
Ditto for Account
94 4 Dutch 25 per Cents 63 4
8 per Cent Reduced
935 Ditto 4 per Cents 94 5 95 per Cents 955 Mexican 3 per Cents 26 5 Long Annuities 55 5-16 Peruvian 45 per Cents
Bank Stock 214 16 Ditto Deferred 3 per Cents .. 50 2 Exchequer Bills 1 5 pm. Portuguese 4 per Cents .. 41 3 India Stock 249 53 Russian 5 per Cents 112 14 Austnan 5 per Cents 93 5 Ditto 44 per Cents 97 9
Brazilian 5 per Cents
96 8 Spanish 3 per Cents 441 5 Belgian 45 per Cents 94 Sex d Ditto Deferred 215 2 Chaim' 6 per Cents 99 101 Sardinian 5 per Cents 91 11
Danish 5 per Cents
102 4 Swedish 4 per Cents 90 2 BANK OF ENGLAND.
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 82, for the week ending on
SI1,016,100 2.984.900 14,658,830 DEYASTMENT.
Government Securities. OB- cludb g Dead WeightAnnuityl 411,498,151 Othet Securities 17,255A90 Notes 5,671,500
Gold and Silver Coln 611,834
• Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, it Dividend Accts.. E35,037,376 Notes issued Saturday, the 29th day of October 1853.
1550B DISP■17111131S.
£28,658,850 Government Debt Other Securities Gold Coin and Bullion 126,658,850
Proprietors, Capital
514,533,000 Rest 3,175,493 Public Deposits. 8,628,809 Other Deposits 12,323,678 Seven Day and otherBills 1,357,996
£33,037,376 Silver Bullion