PARISIAN THEA.TEICALS. 9.(1 - M. Octave Feuillett, who is well known
as an author of those,dramatie dialogues which go by the name of "Proverbea," has furnished,Ithu ;re- pertoire of the Gymnase with a piece of this sort.called Pour a Cenity.,. It merely consists of a conversation between a Marquis and March 5r on the delicate question, whether the infidelity of a husband justifies repri- sals on the part of the wife. A piece of this kind depends in A 'great measure on the finesse of the actors, and TOW' et Contre attains a molt per- fect expression through the performance of M. Dupuis and Madame Rose-Cheri. Although new to the playgoing public of Paris it has been
some time published, and has even been played at St. Petersburg, 'where Madame Plessy acted the Marchioness. ,
What would our juvenile readers say to a modification, of the'tale of the _Forty Thieves, to the effect, that the robbers, instead ofi being scalded to death in oil-jars, were pushed into an abyss ?t, Wei grieve. Ao oy that this sad change from specialty into commonplace eclatallY %VP in a
a the da and Ai sad Vette of dramatic version of Alt Baba, now playing at, the ,Theaht Cirque. We suppose we shall next have Ali Baba saying, ins mystic words "Open sesame," some prosaic incuntuS9n r ring." This rationalistic treatment of our old talis 0 sign of the times it reminds us of that dreit Rossini's Cenerentoks, in which the poet intrUclea dares to leave out the fairy, with all the niegidatiPplatetices'611.,Ofderanstse;
lizards, and pumpkin. e....ogror
The somewhat novel experiment of a comic opermoretheiboards of the Vatidt6i was made yesterday week, with tolemblewacceAsai Mimi:We of the pieeb te Pepito, and the composer is M. Offenbaclii I Id :the plot, which relatest.o.the loves of a young Spanish aubergiste, and is placed in humble life at Cadiz, there is nothing remarkable.