Among the guests invited to Compiegne are the Princesses Mathilda
and Clotilda, the Duke and Duchess of Alba, Duke and Duchess Malakoff; Ditto Magenta MacMahon, Metternich, Czartoryski, Murat, Lords Stafford, Dufferin, and Lady Craven, with a few men of art and letters, Octave Fueillet, author of the "Roman d'unjeune homme panvre," De Saulcy of the Institut, Hebert, sculptor, Reynault, head of the Sevres Pottery Works.
The Empress has assisted for the last few days at the Council of Ministers presided over by the Emperor.
Count Walewaki, since his return to Paris on Tuesday last, has held con- ferences with Prince Metternich, Lord Cowley, Count Kisseleff, and the Marquis de Villamarina.
The Monittur announces that the Duc de Padoue, the late Minister Of the Interior, has been appointed by an exceptional measure Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour, an order to testify iu a striking manner the satisfaction of the Emperor with his services.