The Great Eastern Made The Isle Of Wight Yesterday Morning,
passed through Spithead, and steamed to her anchorage in the river, welcomed by many craft, and a salute of seventeen guns from the Platform Bat- tery.......
A deputation, consisting of the popular and distinguished friends of civil and religious liberty, says the Daily News, was to have waited, by appointment, upon Lord John......
Money Market.
STOCK EEO:MAME, FRIDAY AFrsTMooN. The demand for money has been very active the whole week ; it has arisen partly from the natural extension of our home and foreign trade, which......
Advices From Algiers To The 1st Of November, State That
Bem Snassen, terrified, had submitted to the French, accepting conditions of peace of a most severe character. The French expedition is pursuing the other tribes. A telegram......
Among The Guests Invited To Compiegne Are The Princesses...
and Clotilda, the Duke and Duchess of Alba, Duke and Duchess Malakoff; Ditto Magenta MacMahon, Metternich, Czartoryski, Murat, Lords Stafford, Dufferin, and Lady Craven, with a......
SATURDAY MORNING. Intelligence reaches us from Paris by the ordinary channels that "the French and English Governments have completely agreed on the bases of the Congress which......