TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Being a constant reader of your paper, I have several times lately seen it stated in your columns, directly or indirectly, that two out of the five million inhabitants of Ireland are opposed to Home-rale. As a Unionist, I should be only too pleased to be able to believe this ; and I think that if the fact could be sufficiently brought home to the minds of the electors of Great Britain, we might feel a good deal more certain than we can do at present that the agitation in favour of Home rule will not ultimately succeed.
Do the Separatists admit that the proportion of Loyalists to Home-rulers is anything like what you state it to be ? I think not. I should be much obliged if you or one of your corre- spondents would state what is the evidence upon which your figures are based.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Broomhall Park, Sheffield, October 30th. T. BIEBER.
[We quoted Mr. Chamberlain's figures, and believe them to be substantially accurate. The number is made up by taking the ],010,000 Protestants and one-fourth of the Catholics. If the agrarian question were settled, the proportion of loyalists would be far larger.—ED. Spectator.]