Liberalism And Coercion.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TIM "eremarea."] BIER In these days of emasculated Liberalism and sentimental Radicalism, when cant seems bodily transferred from the sphere of religion to the......
[to Ter Editor Of Tee Spectator."]
Stn,—The article on" A Roman Catholic Ideal," in the Spectator of October 29th, suggests one or two thoughts that seem to have escaped the notice of the writer. He appreciates......
The Number Op Anti-home-rulers In Ireland. [to The Editor Op
TEE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR, —Being a constant reader of your paper, I have several times lately seen it stated in your columns, directly or indirectly, that two out of the five......
The Roman Catholic Ideal.
rT. TRE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR. "] Stn,—While agreeing with most of your comments on the recently published Life of Miss Vaughan, I yet desire to point out that the matter......