BOOKS B.ECE1VED. — Patents Conveyancing a Collection of Precedents in Conveyancing. By
Robert Morris, M.A. (Stevens and Sons.)—The Anglo-Indian Codes. Edited by Whitley Stokes, D.C.L. Vol. I., Sub- stantive Laws. (The Clarendon Press.)—The Duties and Rights of Man, by P. B. Austin (Triibner and Co.); and from the same publishers, The Code of Marta the Original Sanscrit Text, critically edited by J. Jolly, Ph.D.—Geometrical Psychology an Abstract of the Theories and Diagrams of B. W. Bets. By Louisa Cook. (G. Redway.)—The Kabbalah Unveiled. Translated from the Latin Version of Knorr von Roaenroth by S. L. MacGregor Mothers. (G. Bedway.)—A Modern Zoroastrian. By S. Laing. (F. V. White.)—The Handbook of New Zealand Mines. (Government Printing Office, Wellington, N.Z.)—The Legendary History of the Cross, a series of sixty-four woodcuts, with an Introduction by John Ashton, and a Preface by S. Baring Gould. (T. Fisher Linwin.)—The Contemporary Pulpit, Vol. VII., being the issue for the first half of the current year. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—Pagan Pearls a Book of Paraphrases, seleoted and arranged by Annie Catherine Randall (Elliot Stock), a collection of pre-Christian and non-Christian thought, from the East and the West.—Essays Collected from the Writings, Literary, Political, and Religious, of Joseph Massini. Edited by William Clarke. (W. Scott.)—Hydrophobia an Account of M. Pasteur's System, by Renaud Suzor, M.D. (Chatto and Winclua), a report drawn op by the author at the instance of the Legislative Council of Mauritius.