Priests Property and Rights in Enemy Countries. By Paul F.
Simonson. (Effingham Wilson : Sweet and Maxwell. 36s. net.)— Thia valuable text-book will interest the many people who hope to recover the property or debts that they had before the war in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey. Mr. Simonson explains clearly and fully the effect of the Peace Treaties and gives, with a commentary, the text of the German Treaty and of the variations in the other Treaties, as well as the relevant orders and rules made in connexion with the Treaties. So much doubt prevails in regard to this important subject that the book is much needed. Mr. Simonson remarks that the practical value of the machinery of the Treaties depends on the spirit in which it is worked by the Allied Governments. Austria, he says, has taken advantage of the Allies' benevolence to deprive British subjects of their rights, whereas Germany has been relatively reasonable.