5 NOVEMBER 1921, page 1

The "little Entente " Of Czecho-slovakia, Rumania And...

their ultimatum to Hungary, apparently in deference to the wishes of the Allies. But the threat, backed by the mobilization of the Czech army, sufficed to make the Hun- garian......

News Of The Week.

L AST week we warned our readers to be prepared for a fresh outcry that Ulster is standing in the way of an Irish settlement. Since then events have developed con- siderably in......

The Brothers All And Dr. Kitchlew, The Three Leaders Of

the " Caliphate " agitation among the Indian Moslems, were con- victed of sedition at Karachi on Tuesday and sentenced to two years' imprisonment. They were charged with......

While Everybody Agrees That Mr. Lloyd George's...

remarkable achievement, even for him, various interpre- tations have been placed on the speech regarded as a clue to his immediate intentions. Here again we would refer our......

Dr. Wirth, The German Chancellor, After Reconstructing...

week, sought the approval of the Reichstag. He obtained it on Wednesday, October 28th, by 230 votes to 132. The Monarchists and the Bolsheviks formed the minprity. The Reichstag......

Meanwhile, Mr. Lloyd George, With His Unfailing Tactics...

to take the field in the House of Commons against his critics, who were visibly banding themselves together. The result was exactly what might have been - expected. On Monday,......

To Our Readers.

Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly through the aboli- tion of the Sunday post or other causes should become yearly......