The Times of Monday .printed a valuable letter from Sir
Cyprian Bridge, commenting on the size and cost of battle- ships. He points out that a capital ship costs about £8,000,000, and that people are already talking glibly of a £10,000,000 battle- ship. The cost has become so appalling, and the doubt about the desirability of regarding huge ships as our best line of defence is so strong, that we agree with Sir Cyprian Bridge that it is high time that there should be a most careful inquiry into the whole subject. Not long ago Lord Fisher was telling us that the day of battleships was over because they were an easy prey to submarines. More lately we have been told that they will be a still more easy prey to bombs. The doctrine is that even though the ship may be strong enough to resist bombs directly bursting on board, she is bound to succumb to huge depth- charges dropped in the water all round her. Meanwhile four capital ships are being laid down, and the official theory is that capital ships still hold the sea and are absolutely necessary.