We much regret to record the retirement of Sir Basil
Thomson, the Director of the Special Service branch of the Metropolitan Police. His value to the State in keeping the Government informed of Bolshevik and. Sinn Fein conspiracies may be measured. by the persistent virulence with which he has been attacked in the Daily Herald. We should have thought that in times like these: it, was desirable-to retain the services of an official so competent and so courageous as Sir Basil Thomson, whose intimate knowledge of the revolutionary under-world has saved us from great calamities. It was stated officially that his department would now be reorganized, and made responsible to the Commissioner of Police and not to the Cabinet. Sir' Basil Thomson, however, felt it necessary to explain, In Wednesday's Morning Post, that he had not reached the age of retirement, and that he did not wish to retire so long as the country needed his services. He added that if his special staff were dispersed, the country would lose a most loyal, zealous and competent body of public servants.