Exeter Hall is at present undergoing great alterations in its
interior, with the view of removing its defects as a music-hall, and enlarging its capabilities for performances on the greatest scale. These operations are carried on jointly by the proprietors of the hall and the Sacred Harmonic Society, at a cost, we understand, of not less than 5000/ The flat plaster ceiling is removed, to be replaced by a coach-roof ceiling, twelve feet higher. The four heavy square pillars with the beam and cornice over them, in front of the gallery, are removed. The central portion of the wall at the east end of the hall has been taken down, and rebuilt seven- teen feet further back, so as to allow the organ to be thrown back that distance ; thus obviating the great inconvenience hitherto caused by the organ dividing the chorus into two halves, who could neither see nor hear each other. The organ itself is receiving considerable improvements. All these operations, it is expected, will be completed in the course of No- vember; when the Society's concerts are to commence.