Unphilosophic Philosophy.
Mesmanre miracles are incredible, but they may be true. We may laugh at the trivialities of the mesmeric oracle ; we may see prefer his conviction to his professional interest,......
Criminal Jurisdiction In British India.
TICE deduction of general conclusions from too limited a range of facts is one of the most prolific sources of error. Thus, a corre- spondent, who subscribes himself "A Civilian......
Dead Walls.
Loup was the lament in Kensington Gore at the prospective rise of a spectacle of industry in its vicinage ; but the dirge slowly died away, when it was found that neither a......
KENRICR'S EGYPT UNDER THE PHARAOHS. * THIS work is the first sequence of Mr. Keurielc's essay on.Primseval History; but it hardly satisfies the expectations which that ex-......